So, it took a little longer than I had anticipated, but still within the window I had originally specified (I think)… Starting next week, I’ll be officially off the sales floor. A job description is being created for me as I write this, and I’ll most likely end up as a salaried employee (maybe, not sure if I wanna do that or stay hourly… ).
This has been in the works for a while… I initially pitched this idea in December sometime… My manager was sold pretty instantly, and said she’d work to make it happen. Turns out this will affect the entire company, not just the seattle store… that is, I’ll be working on things that can benefit all of our stores.
Just recently, I got my first recent taste of full-time development when I spent 5 days at home writing curriculum for some classes we will be offering. I finished a pretty darn good iMovie 3 course, (and yeah, you may be thinking ‘there’s people out there that need to be taught how to use something as simple as iMovie? yes. yes. definitely, yes) … apparently the higher-ups like it, cause the first conversation I had with my manager after delivering the finished product last week was “we can have you on sallary by next week” :)
SO, this should be my last week hoofin’ it with the llamas (on the bus go BLEET BLEET BLEET…). It’ll be nice to get a chance to actually focus on things. Though I do quite well in the erratic, attention sucking, information disposing environs of the sales floor, I was not designed as a scatterbrained human, and eventually it just starts to bug the hell out of me. Consequently, I think this will be a very good change. Also, I’m looking forward to getting some serious points on the ol’ resume… I plan to work smart with very tangible results, which will hopefully translate into ‘mad props’ down the line. We shall see. Another part of me is excited just cause it’s something different… it’s almost like a new job, and I thrive on change… so, good deal all around :)
We’ve finally started the remodeling process at the store. There will be several much needed changes, include an improved (and larger) training room with actual windows to the outside world! Hopefully it’ll also score me some decent desk space.
In other news, everything else is great. I got a new intellimouse cause my old one became increasingly more erratic over the period of about 2 months… ah, now I can play q3 again without momentary bouts of virtual no-look-no-shoot-only-strafe-itis (a rare condition generally only found in fps gamers with broken mice ;).
Also, been tweaking out my server a bit lately. Got apple’s mail server set up with secure smtp action (as tested by Added another IP so I can do quicktime streaming over port 80 (obviously that would conflict with apache on the same IP), which means I can stream to firewalled and non-firewalled clients alike. I’m toying with the idea of some kind of constant radio stream… music, q3 playing, music making, tv shows… whatever happens to be coming out of my mixer :)
I know I’ve been lax on the updates lately… primarily, that’s because not a lot is changing. Traditionally, that’s a bad thing for me… but considering that the actual situation is good, it’s not a bad thing at all… still cruisin’ right along, enjoying things as I go. Toying with the idea of becoming more social, as I have toyed with it (and summarily dismissed it) in the past so many times… or maybe at the very least, getting out to see more shows. Hmm.
That is all :)