Monthly Archives: August 2010

ATI Radeon 5870, where art thou?!

Want to buy. Can’t click button. Starcraft II is running pretty nice in my current rig (MacPro4,1 + ATI Radeon 4870), but I’ve read that the 5870 is substantially faster – double the VRAM, too.

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Why I closed my facebook account

I’m writing this so I have something to link to, so I don’t have to keep answering the question over and over. Starting yesterday, I began to receive emails from various facebook friends, wherein they warned me that perhaps my … Continue reading

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Somniac and a UI scripting quickie

Just about every time I want an AppleScript to wait a second or two during script execution, I instinctively insert a “sleep x” statement, where x is some small number of seconds. Every time, I’m surprised when I test the … Continue reading

Posted in bit bucket, scripts, The More You Know | Leave a comment