Monthly Archives: January 2006

X11 application mobility funs

Ever wanted to have an X11 application’s GUI follow you around between various machines while the app continues to run? Believe it or not, I have wanted this. Recently I found a little app that lets you do this called … Continue reading

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Firefly season 2?!? If you elect to watch it on your computer, be sure to let them know via the comments that you would prefer to download and store a copy, instead of a one-time viewing or some such.

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This is hillarious stupid:

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Public Service Announcement Read all the comments, too. Sad :/ All it would have taken is a little tiny dialog explaining the new behavior to make people *excited* about it, instead of pissing off people who REALLY don’t want that behavior by … Continue reading

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warm it up

Saturday, I went to a housewarming at Nick and Kori’s new place in south SF. The trip out was somewhat adventurous. I tried to be all efficient and walk a straight line from the Bayshore Caltrain to their place… well, … Continue reading

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