Monthly Archives: April 2006

X11 mobility with Xmove

X11 is a windowing system for *nix computers. There is one point about X11 that needs to be understood before anything that follows will make sense, so I’ve cribbed the following bit from the X11 wikipedia page to explain: X … Continue reading

Posted in tutorials | 2 Comments

The Journeyman’s Guilde to Quicktime Presentations

This guide will demonstrate a method for creating multi-track, multi-media, self-contained quicktime movies. A good example of this would be the presentation format where there are multiple tracks of media that need to be coordinated with specific timings. Perhaps there … Continue reading

Posted in media, OS X, tutorials | 1 Comment

Cacti in Tiger Server

Install XCode Install and configure darwinports Download the newest version from macosforge. Add the darwinports paths to your shell config file. e.g. PATH=”/opt/local/bin:/opt/local/sbin:/usr/local/bin:/usr/local/sbin:$PATH” Update the ports collection sudo port -d selfupdate Install rrdtool from darwinports Execute the following to install … Continue reading

Posted in OS X, OS X Server, tutorials | 3 Comments

Quake4 macbook benchmarks

I recorded a short multiplayer demo (recordnetdemo demo1 / stopnetdemo) on a public server – there were 5 or 6 other players (quake4 performance falls off pretty quick as you add players). The demo was recorded on my slowest-performing machine, … Continue reading

Posted in bit bucket | Tagged | 3 Comments


I’m pretty much the same, with one notable exception. Went ahead and got myself one of those newfangled macbooks, and I must say it’s rather nice. My previous laptop is a g3 ibook from 2001. Almost 5 years old = … Continue reading

Posted in lj | Tagged , | 12 Comments