Monthly Archives: July 2003

squarepusher and wagon christ: a review

Wow, what a great show :) Vibert played a nice long set with no break… just a bit over two hours I think. I arrived just as he started. I’m pretty familiar with much of his released work, so I … Continue reading

Posted in lj | 12 Comments

activities and such

Returned from Portland… enjoyable trip, nice and relaxed. Tomorrow night is a squarepusher show I’ve greatly anticpated… exciting :) Got asked today if I could teach for apple in Cupertino next week, presumably filling in for somebody (generally they give … Continue reading

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In Portland

I’m here in Portland again, teaching another ACTC class this week. Hopefully I’ll get to see at least 1 good show, and hang out with verso as well. Other items: Been slowly adding stuff to a community website I’m maintaining … Continue reading

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an update of things

I realized recently that the last several updates have been restricted to “friends only”, so this is me updating the rest of you non-friends on the current state of things ;) Firstly, I have a new girlfriend / roommate, Alison. … Continue reading

Posted in lj | 2 Comments