Category Archives: bit bucket

Access’s Judgements of your Photos

Ever look at the sqlite3 DB in the library bundle ~/Pictures/Photos Library.photoslibrary? So much stuff. I would suggest making a copy of it, and only mess around with the copy. The output of the above code is shown below: … Continue reading

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The Silent Suffering of QuickLook

I experiment with lots of different software – there are currently 308 items in /Applications and 508 git repos in ~/work (only a handful of which are directly job related). If you’re thinking something like “that’s gross, I bet your … Continue reading

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On the value of money-as-currency

I first wrote this as a comment to a Veritasium video that analyzes the perils of a recommendation-based approach to content distribution. In attempting to link to that comment on Twitter, I found myself unable to do so because Twitter … Continue reading

Posted in bit bucket | 1 Comment

A Low But Significant Bar

A friend got a 4th gen AppleTV in late 2015 – a friend that enjoys retro video games, but that doesn’t own any consoles. I tried Provenance on my iPad and was pretty satisfied, and figured it would be pretty nifty on the … Continue reading

Posted in bit bucket, development, Pro Tip | Leave a comment

Nuke and pave of pfSense on the SG-2440

I may not be the first to deal with the fallout of filesystem corruption on an SG-2240 running pfSense 2.2 due to sudden power loss, but I might be the first to put the cliff notes of the recovery process in … Continue reading

Posted in bit bucket | 1 Comment

SSL enabled, registration disabled

… and now an announcement from the custodial engineering department: SSL has been enabled. Jihad nuclear al-qaeda infiltrate spy NSA snowden very much wow. I updated media links for recent posts (the ones that load on the front page), but … Continue reading

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irssi auto-op your friends

From the ‘short and sweet’ department, here’s a fast recipe for configuring irssi to automatically op users of your choosing. cd ~/.irssi/scripts curl -O mkdir -p autorun ; cd autorun ; ln -s ../ If irssi is already running … Continue reading

Posted in bit bucket, scripts | Leave a comment

SI File Transfer, Entity Capabilities, iChat, and Your Jabber Bot

What do these things have in common? This is the only place on the entire internet where you can read useful information about all of these things. I’ve toyed with jabber bots before, mostly using the various XMPP stacks available … Continue reading

Posted in bit bucket | 7 Comments

foci: MacBookPro10,1

I got one, and I really like it! This post will focus on just a few attributes of the new hardware that are salient to me. Model Name: MacBook Pro Model Identifier: MacBookPro10,1 Processor Name: Intel Core i7 Processor Speed: … Continue reading

Posted in bit bucket | 1 Comment

Site Redesign Complete

I’ve finally finished with the site redesign, featuring a little custom javascript header – roll over the images to see other images. These are loaded from URLs in a JSON document, so it’ll be easy to add new images over … Continue reading

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