Category Archives: media

How to rescue aborted QuickTime Player audio recordings

Know that feeling when you remember you don’t have your keys while you are closing a locked door? It’s the same feeling as when you use QuickTime Player to record some lengthy audio, and you remember you didn’t stop the recording while you are putting the … Continue reading

Posted in media, OS X, Pro Tip, scripts, The More You Know, tutorials | Leave a comment

Chasing your tail, and winning! (or: ramdisk soothes latency bumps)

My 8 drive RAID array is a little weird. Throughput is decent, but latency is kinda bad. This causes World of Warcraft for mac to not be able to keep up when capturing in-game video at high data rates (200+ … Continue reading

Posted in games, media, scripts | Leave a comment

VLC and wireless networks

I typically keep all my digital media on either my desktop at home or my server, but I like to watch it on the laptop while reclining in my papasan chair, or perhaps just kicked back in bed. The problem … Continue reading

Posted in media, OS X | 1 Comment

The Journeyman’s Guilde to Quicktime Presentations

This guide will demonstrate a method for creating multi-track, multi-media, self-contained quicktime movies. A good example of this would be the presentation format where there are multiple tracks of media that need to be coordinated with specific timings. Perhaps there … Continue reading

Posted in media, OS X, tutorials | 1 Comment