Monthly Archives: June 2006

vacation notes

I recently went to PA for a family gathering; mom came up from FL, my brother came out from Seattle, and all the people who live out that way. Impossible to get *everybody*, but we did ok. Flew out on … Continue reading

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I just learned that my friend Michael Bartosh died this weekend. His death was accidental; he fell from a balcony in Tokyo. He was a pretty well known guy in the mac enterprise consulting sphere; definitely one of the very … Continue reading

Posted in bit bucket | 6 Comments

Apache AddType directives for AAC audio

AddType audio/x-m4a m4a AddType audio/x-m4b m4b

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Automated backups of Open Directory databases

# Automated backups of Open Directory databases (ldap / kerberos / password server) # This needs to run as root and should be mode 700 due to embedded password # Get current date TODAY=`/bin/date +’%m-%d-%y_%H:%M:%S’` # Set destination directory (do … Continue reading

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