
This is hillarious stupid:

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Public Service Announcement

Read all the comments, too. Sad :/ All it would have taken is a little tiny dialog explaining the new behavior to make people *excited* about it, instead of pissing off people who REALLY don’t want that behavior by trying to slip it past them.

*UPDATE 1/18/06*

They fixed it. The text describes exactly what’s happening, shows very clearly how to disable the mini store, and most importantly, requires positive action on the part of the user to enable the feature. Good job, Apple. Just keep this in mind for next time, OK? ;)

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warm it up

Saturday, I went to a housewarming at Nick and Kori’s new place in south SF. The trip out was somewhat adventurous. I tried to be all efficient and walk a straight line from the Bayshore Caltrain to their place… well, that took me back and forth behind what appeared to be a junkyard in nearly complete darkness (enough to actually get me to take my headphones off!) looking for a clean path. There wasn’t one, so I stumbled across an uneven vacant lot, hopped a fence…

… and then walked through quasi-ghetto for about a mile. I arrived without incident, but it definitely wasn’t boring.

Fun times and good conversation were had at the party. Geeks, scientists, and seamstresses were well represented. Never thought I’d have the chance to quiz two post-docs about what they hope to gain by studying A1 supernovas. There were also some tasty Irish Car Bombs, and we even made it to ‘silly hats’. I got Canada (not that Canada is silly, but me wearing a Canada hat is… especially when the picture is lined up just right so it looks like there’s an umbrella sprouting out the top…)

Spent the night, and thanks to the water fairy, wasn’t totally wrecked this morning. Chillin / coffee / music / SouthPark / pizza and salad –> taxi –> (two minutes late to the) Caltrain. All in all, this weekend provided good encouragement to visit SF more often (this was only my 4th trip in the 9 months I’ve been here).

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I leave for Amsterdam in like 15 minutes! Flying out of SFO @ 3:40, but will be at the airport plenty early.

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First I saw this in the itunes music store…

… thought about it for a moment, and then checked for the show. It was in their db, and even had reviews over a year old, then I saw


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New Boards Of Canada release. It’s good.

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Consumption Lots of good stats, quotes, and references. The whole site is great.

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All together now…

Apple’s iPods are still broken for live or classical music, and concept albums. The problem is that the iPod can’t deal with tracks that are supposed to have no gap between them (Dark Side of the Moon, Sgt. Pepper’s Lonely Hearts Club, pretty much any live recording…). This is a well documented problem.

The best solution until recently is to rip all the tracks from the CD into a single file. You get no unexpected track gaps this way, but you also get no individual track access or track info.

With the advent of audio books and podcasts, Apple has released a little app called Chapter Tool that lets you create an AAC file with chapter markers. This way, you preserve individual track names and info, and the ability to go to a specific track.

The trouble is that using Chapter Tool is kind of a pita. I mean, who wants to hand-write an XML file with track names and durations? Blegh. Sounds like a great task for an enterprising AppleScript developer.

Enger Doug Adams, of He’s got an awesome little script called Join Together that does all the heavy lifting. Select a bunch of tracks in iTunes and invoke the script, and you’ll end up with a single AAC file that includes all the tracks and chapter markers.

There are a couple caveats. First of all, be sure to start with tracks in a lossless format. I used Apple Lossless, but I imagine that AIFF would work also (though I didn’t try). One reason for this is that mp3 uses a fixed frame size, and so will almost always leave empty space at the end of the last frame. Modern mp3 encoders and decoders can compensate for this to some degree (iPod does not, and iTunes does it poorly in my opinion).

The second caveat is that even though you end up with a chapterized file, it’s still one large file. This means that random access to the tracks in the file is not possible in party shuffle or ‘regular old shuffle’ mode. It is trivial to manually play the track and then jump to the desired chapter using the chapter menu that appears when playing chapterized tracks:

In order to see and hear the difference this makes, I’ve compiled some screenshots and audio samples.

click it good

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bring on the video!

“So you can do video on these devices if you want to, but the things that are suboptimal about it are the screen size and the battery life – things like that. The fundamental problem here is… Headphones are a miraculous thing. You put on a pair of headphones and you get the same experience as with a great pair of speakers. Well, there’s no such thing as headphones for video. There’s not something I can carry with me – something I can put on – that will give me the same experience that I get when I’m watching my 50-inch plasma display at home. And until somebody invents that, you’re going to have these opposing constraints.” -Steve Jobs, 7-14-05.

Heh. I’m guessing that the iPod with video wasn’t developed in the three months since that interview.

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00:44 -!- chaman-doo [] has joined 
00:45 < chaman-doo> que trance?
00:46 <@dre^^> el trance es la mejor musica siempre
00:46 <@dre^^> mi favorito es oakenfold de paul
00:47 -!- chaman-doo [] has left 
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