Delayed… blarg
Flight was supposed to depart at 3:20, it’s now 3:24 and we won’t know when we can board until 5:00. Some kind of mechanical problem… I hope they fix it :)
Fortunately I at least have something to occupy my time while I wait… namely some new tunes courtesy of Damon. I’m also getting Bish ready to be my mobile video workstation for the next week. I’ve got a DV camera on loan (thanks again damon ;), and I plan to get plenty of stuff of the Apple campus and whatnot… plus it’ll be good practice for me as I continue to prepare for my Final Cut Pro presentation for the Apple Seminar program, and then also my Final Cut Pro classes which start in August…. got iMovie and Final Cut Pro ready and waiting on Bish, and Cleaner to provide some compression so I can upload segments during the week.
There’s a guy across the room with a TiBook and he keeps eyeing me. Wonder if he wants a showdown or something. “Look at him and his little iBook. I’ve got a TiBook”, he may be thinking to himself.
Now it’s most of the way though the first day… wow :) The Apple Campus is pretty damn leet, though I’ve only seen a small portion of it so far. There really aren’t any tours or anything, so I’m hoping I can get somebody to show me some of the different buildings. We had lunch at the Macs Cafe, which is a pretty choice place to eat… all sorts of different kinds of foods… even a big vegan section (not that I’m vegan or anything).
It seems as though I’m supposed to have taken this course as a student before going through the “T3” (train the trainer), which gets me certified to teach it. The QuickTime Streaming Server class rolled the instruction and the T3 all into one session… which isn’t the case here. Not to fear, however… since I’ve been living and breathing this stuff for a while now, I don’t really feel like I’m behind or anything. The only potential problem is that I’m not intensely familiar with the instructor materials (powerpoint slides, for example)…. but it seems as though some of the other people I’m here with are in the same boat.
My classmates are almost all Apple system engineers, mostly in k12, so I definitely feel like the geek factor is quite a bit higher than it was for the QuickTime Streaming Server class (in which there were only a few apple employees…).
Anyway, things are gewd :) I think I got my dialup situation straightened out, so I should be online tonight :)
I’ll be presenting the File Sharing chapter of Admin Basics and the Processes chapter of Server Essentials, which will be videotaped for later review by the certification people. I think I’ll also set up my webcam during my presentations so you can see me in action :)
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