*bling bling*
“Hello, this is Andre in sales, how can I help you?”
“This is Lauri from corporate.”
“Oh, hi Lauri.”
“I just wanted to make sure that next week is okay for you.”
“Next week… for what?”
“They didn’t tell you?”
“Tell me what?”
“We’re sending you to Cupertino next week for training.”
She giggles a bit at my enthusiasm and then proceeds to tell me that this time around, since the training is in Cupertino (which is Apple’s headquarters for those that may not know), they’re gonna try to put me up in some sort of Apple sponsored apartment scenario, where the Apple people live :) I told her that’d be fine by me…. heh. Also I guess this time they’re renting me a car. woo :)
So, more apple training… Lauri wasn’t even sure which particular session this is… my guess is either Server Essentials or Administration Basics, both of which are pretty squarely centered around Mac OS X Server. Most excellent :) I’m excited about the training, but I’m most excited about the fact that I finally get to go to Apple HQ. Being the mac jedi that I am means that I’ve felt the pull of Cupertino for quite some time – in fact, I expect to be working there for apple full time within the next few years…. but for now, a visit will be totally frickin awesome! wooop!
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