The Damon friend network strikes again.

The job search is over.

A couple weeks ago, Damon sent some email to a VP at The Computer Store. After several days, I received a call from him and we set up an interview which occured last Friday. It went really well, as my interviews usually do, and I thought things looked promising. They had advertised openings in sales, which is perfectly cool with me, but I’m also interested in their training offerings, and so I made sure to hit on my training / curriculum development experience.

Then yesterday, I get a call from the general manager, and we set up another interview with the sales manager. That was about two hours ago. This interview also went quite well, and at the end they offered me the position.

I’ll start out doing just sales… learning the ropes, making some cash, etc. They’re getting ready to put a lot more focus on their training services, and I hope to be a big part of the planning and execution of that whole situation. Training is something that I really enjoy doing, and I’m pretty good, so I’ve been looking for ways to crack back into it – I think this will be perfect. Considering the somewhat high profile of The Computer Store among the mac community around here and among Apple resellers in general, I feel sure that my experience with them will be good stuff. I also look forward to meeting a bunch of people in the process :)

I start next Wednesday. I was also invited to some staff training that’s happening tonight; some guys from The Omni Group are coming out – should be fun :)

In other news, spud is back :)

About dre

I like all kinds of food.
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