So, everything is good :)
As of yesterday, I became certified to teach: Setting up and Managing an Airport Network, Moving from Mac OS 9 to Mac OS X, and Getting Started with Mac OS X. These are somewhat new Apple curricula, and are much shorter in length and smaller in scope than, say, the three day Quicktime Streaming course and others. Consequently, all that’s required to become certified to teach them is existing Apple Certification (which technically I don’t have yet, but everybody just seemed to assume that I do… I should hear back from ‘them’ any time now), and participation in a conference call in which the curriculum is discussed, followed by a question / answer session… so, woo :)
Also, work wants me to start doing Final Cut Pro and DVD Studio Pro classes, which is just fine by me… problem is I can’t practice cause my g4 is too damn gimpy. So I’m getting a loaner from work (hopefully tomorrow)… not sure what it’ll be, but I’m guessing either a 933 or dual Ghz powermac g4… I hope to have it for at least a few weeks ;) I’m currently planning to pick up a dual ghz after MacWorld in July (when the prices drop)…
I also got recruited to do a song and dance for the Seattle Digital SIG group (not sure what that stands for just yet, but they’re digital video peeps I think) about the general state of the mac platform / mac os x / high end apps, etc. I’m glad to have the ability to do different stuff than just sales all the time… I gotta have variety or I get stir crazy ;) My training offerings should begin soon, and as far as the training I’m taking, that’s also continuing to progress.
I’m waiting until next paycheck before I start to buy more stuff for the apartment, just cause I know that I can wait…
Other than that… uhm… just doing my thing, I guess :)