Finished the Client Management course. Passed the test. Had fun and learned a few tricks, though most of the material was rehash.
Got my first apple badge yesterday :) Totally stoked! I spent a good 10 minutes just walking around 1 Inifinte Loop through the buildings, checking out lobbies and smiling at people :) I don’t think I’ll bore everybody with all the gushy “I’ve been waiting for this for many years” crap… just know, friends, that it has made me very happy :)
Also got to spend some time with a friend ‘on the inside’… we had some beers and raged some quake3…
Now I head back home for a weekend, then it’s back on a Portland-bound train on Sunday for another ACTC course…
anyway…. time for a plane ride :)
One Response to big wheels keep on turnin’… proud marry will be burning on Sunday for sure :)