more motion

Times of change are rapidly approaching! Again!

I’m expecting an offer for this job sometime this week. Heading to Austin next week to help host a beta run of an upcoming Apple training course for which I’m developing part of the courseware, under contract with Peachpit. By early June I should be living and working in Cupertino again (although I might try to live in SF this time; there’s a new apple bus for commuters from there to cupertino).

One of Apple’s contracted background checker people called me yesterday to inform me of a discrepancy between info I provided and info they got from my former high school. Apparently I specified an incorrect starting year for my time at bayshore high school. While it is laughable that I managed to get 1996 – 4 – 1 wrong, it feels weird to have to even approach it that way, instead of just knowing the exact dates. It doesn’t feel like it should have been 17 years ago that I started high school.

I got an iPhone. It’s pretty awesome, even though I really detest the cellular phone business in general. It would be easy to argue that using something as complex as Mac OS X as the platform for a cell phone (for which reliability is of utmost importance) is a pretty sketchy idea. This is not to say that Mac OS X isn’t reliable relative to other desktop operating systems; but it is to say that desktop operating systems are probably less reliable than a much simpler OS that is purpose-built, speaking strictly from a complexity perspective. That’s what I was thinking coming into it, having no experience with the device. Now that I’ve poked around a bit, I must say that I’m quite impressed with how robust the software is. Sure, I managed to hose it up once by doing unsupported things, but the restore process is super fast / easy, and by default all important data is synced with your computer(s), so data loss potential due to phone problems is about as low as it could be, I think. Mostly, I’m amazed at how good the ‘unsupported’ iPhone tools are. Anybody know a terminal emulator that supports landscape mode?

Back to work!

About dre

I like all kinds of food.
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