The local KDC in Leopard is pretty rad. This page will be a jumble of research and various investigations regarding the LKDC.
The LKDC realm name of a remote Mac OS X machine may be discovered as follows:
dns-sd -Q "_kerberos.donk.local" txt
Replace "donk" with the rendezvous name of a Leopard machine on your local network (can test on yourself if needed).
The result is a string of hex characters. This command does not terminate, so control-C to stop it. Now take the hex and run it through xxd -r -c 256.
xxd -r -c 256
<paste in the hex string, press return>
The result is the LKDC realm name, such as LKDC:SHA1.8B0FBACC08E3152A473A68D303E297A13CAA3AFD
Interesting Files
- NetAuthAgent - this one appears to be a client side Kerberos helper. The role of NetAuthAgent appears to be to manage the Kerberos authentication process at a high level on behalf of screen sharing (vncserver), afp client, and cifs client. A string dump reveals the following chunk of kerberos service names:
vncserver webdaveserver ftpsserver ftpserver cifs afpserver
vncserver, cifs, and afpserver are the only 3 services that are kerberized in the LKDC by default, though NetAuthAgent appears to support others as well. Looking at all strings matching 'kerb', we see:
{5} andre@donk [~] % strings /System/Library/CoreServices/ | grep -i kerb KerberosSession BypassKerberos kerberosClientPrincipalCredentials kerberosRelease kerberosClientPrincipal kerberosKeychainRealm kerberosPrincipalInfo MountedByKerberos SupportsKerberos /System/Library/CoreServices/ mInvalidKerberosUserName checkForKerberosUserName: isValidKerberosUserName: useKerberos kerberosServiceName kerberosServicePrincipalHint kerberosSession kerberosServicePrincipal kerberosAcquireTicket Kerberos AllowKerberosUI KerberosInfo kerberosUIOption kerberosHostDisplayName kerberosHostAddress kerberosAlreadyHasTicket
- LKDCLocate - looks like this one performs DNS queries to retrieve kerberos info about a remote host.
{14} andre@donk [~] % strings /System/Library/KerberosPlugins/KerberosFrameworkPlugins/LKDCLocate.bundle/Contents/MacOS/LKDCLocate %s: LKDCLookup Declined to handle address family %d svc = %d, realm = %s, family= %d, socktype = %d KDC|MasterKDC LKDC: getaddrinfo () == %d 0x%08p: family = %d, socktype = %d, protocol = %d Running callback 0x%08p Unexpected address family %d Callback done 0x%08p, err=%d inet_ntop failed: %s addr = %s, port = %d failed %d LKDCGetHelperPort %s: cannot contact helper LKDCHelperExit Mach communication failed: %s LKDCDumpStatus LKDCSetLogLevel LKDCGetLocalRealm [[[ %s Local realm = %s ]]] %s = %d (%s) LKDCDiscoverRealm No place to store discovered realm. realm = %s LKDCFindKDCForRealm No place to store discovered KDC hostname. KDC Hostname = %s:%u Communication to the helper failed Not authorized Input parameter error Serializing object failed Unserializing object failed Object passed is not a dictionary A Local KDC was not found Lookup of the KDC for the requested realm failed
Success <unknown error> [...]
- LKDCHelper - this one appears to be a server-side piece that installs the mDNS records used by clients to discover details about the server's LKDC.
{34} andre@donk [~] % strings /System/Library/PrivateFrameworks/KerberosHelper.framework/Versions/A/Resources/LKDCHelper Idle exit do_LKDCDumpStatus [[[ %s do_LKDCSetLogLevel do_LKDCGetLocalRealm Cached lookup LocalKDCRealm = %s do_LKDCDiscoverRealm Looking up realm for %s do_LKDCFindKDCForRealm Looking up host for %s %s: Unauthorized access by euid=%lu pid=%lu update_idle_timer 0 == gettimeofday(&last_message, NULL) /SourceCache/KerberosHelper/KerberosHelper-31/Source/LKDCHelper-main.c idletimer_main 0 == gettimeofday(&now, NULL) Invalid idle timeout: %s Usage: [-d] [-t maxidle] Could not initialize ASL logging. Starting (uid=%ul) mach_port_allocate: %s mach_port_insert_right: %s bootstrap_register2 failed: %s CheckIn Could not create checkin message for launchd. Could not message launchd. Launchd checkin failed: %s. MachServices Launchd reply does not contain %s dictionary. Launchd reply does not contain %s Mach port. Launchd gave me a null Mach port. Failed to start idletimer thread: %s mach_msg_server: %s KerberosKDC dsRecTypeStandard:Config realname _kerberos LookupRealmCallBack mDNSError = %d More than one record, last one wins!!! LKDCAddLocatorDetails New entry for (realm=%s host=%s) Replacing existing entry (realm=%s host=%s) with (realm=%s host=%s) ]]] %s = %d (%s) LKDCHostnameForRealm Cache hit Cache miss HandleEvents LKDCLookupRealm LKDCRealmForHostname %s.%s mDNSResult CallbackError = %d Timeout! LKDCDumpCacheStatus Cache root node = %08p node = %08p { realmName = (%08p) %s serviceHost = (%08p) %s servicePort = %u TTL = %u } Communication to the helper failed Not authorized Input parameter error Serializing object failed Unserializing object failed Object passed is not a dictionary A Local KDC was not found Lookup of the KDC for the requested realm failed %s: Success <unknown error>
- /usr/libexec/configureLocalKDC - this is a perl script that installs the LKDC at installation time, including creating service principals, editing service config files, and installing a kerberos certificate into the system keychain.
- This documents how to kerberize ssh / sshd, in Leopard, but uses a static configuration instead of dynamically discovering the remote realm name, as is done by the services kerberized in the LKDC by default.
- Exploring Leopard with DTrace - was useful in determining how some of the service clients interact with Kerberos.
- Daemons and Agents. Fantastic technote by Quinn. This helped me understand a bit more about the mach service that is provided by LKDCHelper.
- Multicast DNS libraries for Ruby
- Discovering local identity services. Outlines several methods for dynamic discovery of how to bootstrap authentication sessions with a remote system.
- This expired draft documents how kerberos realm information might be discovered using multicast dns.
- multicast DNS service types
- This expired draft documents multicast DNS in general
- Kerberos install document; this section documents how Kerberos finds realm information.