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The local KDC in Leopard is pretty rad. This page will be a jumble of research and various investigations regarding the LKDC.


The LKDC realm name of a remote Mac OS X machine may be discovered as follows:

dns-sd -Q "_kerberos.donk.local" txt

Replace "donk" with the rendezvous name of a Leopard machine on your local network (can test on yourself if needed).

The result is a string of hex characters. This command does not terminate, so control-C to stop it. Now take the hex and run it through xxd -r -c 256.

xxd -r -c 256

<paste in the hex string, press return>

The result is the LKDC realm name, such as LKDC:SHA1.8B0FBACC08E3152A473A68D303E297A13CAA3AFD
