From Wikifications
Control-a (C-a) is screen attention sequence and preceeds all screen commands. For example, to create a new screen window, type control-a, then c. To clarify even further: hold control, type a, release control, press c.
c = new window k = kill current window d = detach from screen ? = show online help
From outside of the screen session:
screen -R = reattach screen -x = multi-attach
I use the following with Terminal's color scheme set to green on black:
caption always "%{Mk}%?%-Lw%?%{km}[%n*%f %t]%?(%u)%?%{mk}%?%+Lw%? %{mk}" hardstatus alwayslastline "%{kW}%H %{kB}|%{km} %l %=%{km}%c:%s %D %M/%d/%Y "
' = list window names, numbers, and flags N = show current window number A = set window name " = specify name or number to switch to space = next window backspace = prev window # = goto window number # w = show window list in status bar C-a = switch to most recent window
Split Windows
S = create split in current region tab = move to next region X = delete current region Q = delete all but current region
M = toggle activity monitor notifications in status bar _ = toggle INactivity monitor notification in status bar (e.g. for when something's done compiling) m = recall last message displayed in status bar C-g = toggle audio / visual bell t = show time / load average
Scrollback / copy mode movement keys
[ = enter copy mode h, j, k, l move the cursor line by line or column by column. 0, ^ and $ move to the leftmost column, to the first or last non- whitespace character on the line. H, M and L move the cursor to the leftmost column of the top, center or bottom line of the window. + and - positions one line up and down. G moves to the specified absolute line (default: end of buffer). | moves to the specified absolute column. w, b, e move the cursor word by word. B, E move the cursor WORD by WORD (as in vi). C-u and C-d scroll the display up/down by the specified amount of lines while preserving the cursor position. (Default: half screen- full). C-b and C-f scroll the display up/down a full screen. g moves to the beginning of the buffer. % jumps to the specified percentage of the buffer.
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