The following appeared as a letter to the editor 'back in the day' when Andre was an editor of the Bayshore High School Paw Print. Andre thanks his friends Nat and Brad for their letter. Dear Editor, Recently, I've noticed that I have been able to: get bathroom passes during class; park in the parking space that _I_ paid for, show my ankles and more than two inches of toe while wearing sandals; wear shorts above my knees; go home when I've felt sick; actually find unlocked bathrooms with doors on the stalls after 4th period; and actually voice my opinion during class. As of late, I've been acutely distracted by the wide variety of clothing worn by students. We need to regress back to the days of the uniform! We need to be told what to wear, when to pee, what to say, how to walk in the hallway, when we're sick and able to go home, and....something else that I don't remember right now. Take those doors off those bathroom stalls! We need rules, rules, and more rules, dag nabbit! Brad Kokay and Nat Day Seniors |