Rationalize it however you like. Theft is theft is theft is theft. Just because you can't afford to buy a nice car, do not go steal one. People who care are quite eager to support the makers of cool stuff. Believe it or not, those makers use your money to build more cool stuff. Perhaps in todays world of ridiculously marketed crap-fests, people are used to buying things from the faceless corps without caring. Perhaps they view the items they consume as cheap, commodity trash that surely could be replicated easily; so why support it? If you don't agree with the license for a thing, do not use that thing. People like this are the ones we can thank for all dumbass DRM which restricts legit consumers by treating us like criminals. Thanks. Thanks for giving the various rights holders all the ammo they need. "Someone else will pay, so I don't have to worry. Let them deal with it". News flash, yo. That shit is simply pure, selfish, greed. It's really quite sad that you don't choose to support the things you like by funding creators. If nobody paid, guess what would happen? That's right, it would fade. Where do you get off making other people pay for the stuff you use? What ever happened to saving up to buy things? Ah, I think I know. People must have the instant gratification. Patience is dead, *sigh*. By the way, just so you know, I use OS X, Win, and lots of *nix Anyway, have fun jumping through hoops every time Apple posts updates. I suspect that this entire exercise will fall right on deaf ears.