_________________________________________ / hello there! This is the beavis.zen.cow \ \ cow / ----------------------------------------- \ __------~~-, \ ,' , / \ / : | ' | | | | | _-- | _| =-. .-. || o|/o/ _. | / ~ \ | (____@) ___~ | |_===~~~.` | _______.--~ | \________ | \ | __/-___-- -__ / _ \ _______________________________________ < hello there! This is the bong.cow cow > --------------------------------------- \ \ ^__^ _______/(oo) /\/( /(__) | W----|| |~| || || |~| ~~ |~| ~ |_| o |#|/ _+#+_ ________________________________________ / hello there! This is the bud-frogs.cow \ \ cow / ---------------------------------------- \ \ oO)-. .-(Oo /__ _\ /_ __\ \ \( | ()~() | )/ / \__|\ | (-___-) | /|__/ ' '--' ==`-'== '--' ' ________________________________________ < hello there! This is the bunny.cow cow > ---------------------------------------- \ \ \ \ /\ ( ) .( o ). _________________________________________ < hello there! This is the cheese.cow cow > ----------------------------------------- \ \ _____ _________ / \_/ | | || | || | ###\ /### | | | 0 \/ 0 | | /| | | / | < |\ \ | /| | | | | | \_______/ | | | | | | / / /|| /||| ----------------| | | | | *** *** /___\ /___\ ________________________________________ < hello there! This is the cower.cow cow > ---------------------------------------- \ \ ,__, | | (oo)\| |___ (__)\| | )\_ | |_w | \ | | || * Cower.... _________________________________________ < hello there! This is the daemon.cow cow > ----------------------------------------- \ , , \ /( )` \ \ \___ / | /- _ `-/ ' (/\/ \ \ /\ / / | ` \ O O ) / | `-^--'`< ' (_.) _ ) / `.___/` / `-----' / <----. __ / __ \ <----|====O)))==) \) /==== <----' `--' `.__,' \ | | \ / ______( (_ / \______ ,' ,-----' | \ `--{__________) \/ ______________________________________ / hello there! This is the default.cow \ \ cow / -------------------------------------- \ ^__^ \ (oo)\_______ (__)\ )\/\ ||----w | || || __________________________ / hello there! This is the \ \ dragon-and-cow.cow cow / -------------------------- \ ^ /^ \ / \ // \ \ |\___/| / \// .\ \ /O O \__ / // | \ \ *----* / / \/_/ // | \ \ \ | @___@` \/_ // | \ \ \/\ \ 0/0/| \/_ // | \ \ \ \ 0/0/0/0/| \/// | \ \ | | 0/0/0/0/0/_|_ / ( // | \ _\ | / 0/0/0/0/0/0/`/,_ _ _/ ) ; -. | _ _\.-~ / / ,-} _ *-.|.-~-. .~ ~ \ \__/ `/\ / ~-. _ .-~ / \____(oo) *. } { / ( (--) .----~-.\ \-` .~ //__\\ \__ Ack! ///.----..< \ _ -~ // \\ ///-._ _ _ _ _ _ _{^ - - - - ~ _________________________________________ < hello there! This is the dragon.cow cow > ----------------------------------------- \ / \ //\ \ |\___/| / \// \\ /0 0 \__ / // | \ \ / / \/_/ // | \ \ @_^_@'/ \/_ // | \ \ //_^_/ \/_ // | \ \ ( //) | \/// | \ \ ( / /) _|_ / ) // | \ _\ ( // /) '/,_ _ _/ ( ; -. | _ _\.-~ .-~~~^-. (( / / )) ,-{ _ `-.|.-~-. .~ `. (( // / )) '/\ / ~-. _ .-~ .-~^-. \ (( /// )) `. { } / \ \ (( / )) .----~-.\ \-' .~ \ `. \^-. ///.----..> \ _ -~ `. ^-` ^-_ ///-._ _ _ _ _ _ _}^ - - - - ~ ~-- ,.-~ /.-~ ___________________________ / hello there! This is the \ \ elephant-in-snake.cow cow / --------------------------- \ \ .... ........ . . . . . ......... ....... .............................. Elephant inside ASCII snake _______________________________________ / hello there! This is the elephant.cow \ \ cow / --------------------------------------- \ /\ ___ /\ \ // \/ \/ \\ (( O O )) \\ / \ // \/ | | \/ | | | | | | | | | o | | | | | |m| |m| _______________________________________ < hello there! This is the eyes.cow cow > --------------------------------------- \ \ .::!!!!!!!:. .!!!!!:. .:!!!!!!!!!!!! ~~~~!!!!!!. .:!!!!!!!!!UWWW$$$ :$$NWX!!: .:!!!!!!XUWW$$$$$$$$$P $$$$$##WX!: . ---___ XXX__/ XXXXXX \__ / \- --__/ ___/\ XXXXXX / ___--/= \-\ ___/ XXXXXX '--- XXXXXX \-\/XXX\ XXXXXX /XXXXX \XXXXXXXXX \ /XXXXX/ \XXXXXX > _/XXXXX/ \XXXXX--__/ __-- XXXX/ -XXXXXXXX--------------- XXXXXX- \XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX/ ""VXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXV"" ______________________________________ / hello there! This is the head-in.cow \ \ cow / -------------------------------------- \ \ ^__^ / (oo)\_______/ _________ (__)\ )=( ____|_ \_____ ||----w | \ \ \_____ | || || || || _________________________________________ / hello there! This is the hellokitty.cow \ \ cow / ----------------------------------------- \ \ /\_)o< | \ | O . O| \_____/ _______________________________________ < hello there! This is the kiss.cow cow > --------------------------------------- \ \ ,;;;;;;;, ;;;;;;;;;;;, ;;;;;'_____;' ;;;(/))))|((\ _;;((((((|)))) / |_\\\\\\\\\\\\ .--~( \ ~)))))))))))) / \ `\-(((((((((((\\ | | `\ ) |\ /|) | | `. _/ \_____/ | | , `\~ / | \ \ / | `. `\| / | ~- `\ / \____~._/~ -_, (\ |-----|\ \ ';; | | :;;;' \ | / | | | | | ________________________________________ < hello there! This is the kitty.cow cow > ---------------------------------------- \ \ ("`-' '-/") .___..--' ' "`-._ ` *_ * ) `-. ( ) .`-.__. `) (_Y_.) ' ._ ) `._` ; `` -. .-' _.. `--'_..-_/ /--' _ .' ,4 ( i l ),-'' ( l i),' ( ( ! .-' ________________________________________ < hello there! This is the koala.cow cow > ---------------------------------------- \ \ ___ {~._.~} ( Y ) ()~*~() (_)-(_) _______________________________________ < hello there! This is the kosh.cow cow > --------------------------------------- \ \ \ ___ _____ ___ / \ / /| / \ | | / / | | | | | /____/ | | | | | | | | | | | | | {} | / | | | | |____|/ | | | | |==| | | | \___________/ | | | | | _________________________________________ / hello there! This is the luke-koala.cow \ \ cow / ----------------------------------------- \ \ . ___ // {~._.~}// ( Y )K/ ()~*~() (_)-(_) Luke Sywalker koala _______________________________________ < hello there! This is the meow.cow cow > --------------------------------------- \ \ , _ ___.--'''`--''//-,-_--_. \`"' ` || \\ \ \\/ / // / ,-\\`,_ /'` \ \ || Y | \|/ / // / - |__ `-, /@"\ ` \ `\ | | ||/ // | \/ \ `-._`-,_., / _.-. `.-\,___/\ _/|_/_\_\/|_/ | `-._._) `-'``/ / | // \__/\__ / \__/ \ `-' /-\/ | -| \__ \ |-' | __/\ / _/ \/ __,-' ) ,' _|' (((__/(((_.' ((___..-'((__,' _______________________________________ < hello there! This is the milk.cow cow > --------------------------------------- \ ____________ \ |__________| / /\ / / \ /___________/___/| | | | | ==\ /== | | | O O | \ \ | | < | \ \| /| | \ \ / | \_____/ | / / / /| | / /| /||\| | /||\/ -------------| | | | | <__/ \__> ______________________________________ / hello there! This is the moofasa.cow \ \ cow / -------------------------------------- \ ____ \ / \ | ^__^ | | (oo) |______ | (__) | )\/\ \____/|----w | || || Moofasa ________________________________________ < hello there! This is the moose.cow cow > ---------------------------------------- \ \ \_\_ _/_/ \ \__/ (oo)\_______ (__)\ )\/\ ||----w | || || ________________________________________ / hello there! This is the mutilated.cow \ \ cow / ---------------------------------------- \ \_______ v__v \ \ O ) (oo) ||----w | (__) || || \/\ ______________________________________ < hello there! This is the ren.cow cow > -------------------------------------- \ \ ____ /# /_\_ | |/o\o\ | \\_/_/ / |_ | | ||\_ ~| | ||| \/ | |||_ \// | || | ||_ \ \_| o| /\___/ / ||||__ (___)_) ______________________________________ / hello there! This is the satanic.cow \ \ cow / -------------------------------------- \ \ (__) (\/) /-------\/ / | 666 || * ||----|| ~~ ~~ ________________________________________ < hello there! This is the sheep.cow cow > ---------------------------------------- \ \ __ UooU\.'@@@@@@`. \__/(@@@@@@@@@@) (@@@@@@@@) `YY~~~~YY' || || _______________________________________ / hello there! This is the skeleton.cow \ \ cow / --------------------------------------- \ (__) \ /oo| \ (_"_)*+++++++++* //I#\\\\\\\\I\ I[I|I|||||I I ` I`I'///'' I I I I I I ~ ~ ~ ~ Scowleton ________________________________________ < hello there! This is the small.cow cow > ---------------------------------------- \ ,__, \ (oo)____ (__) )\ ||--|| * ________________________________________ / hello there! This is the sodomized.cow \ \ cow / ---------------------------------------- \ _ \ (_) \ ^__^ / \ \ (oo)\_____/_\ \ (__)\ ) / ||----w (( || ||>> __________________________ / hello there! This is the \ \ stegosaurus.cow cow / -------------------------- \ . . \ / `. .' " \ .---. < > < > .---. \ | \ \ - ~ ~ - / / | _____ ..-~ ~-..-~ | | \~~~\.' `./~~~/ --------- \__/ \__/ .' O \ / / \ " (_____, `._.' | } \/~~~/ `----. / } | / \__/ `-. | / | / `. ,~~| ~-.__| /_ - ~ ^| /- _ `..-' | / | / ~-. `-. _ _ _ |_____| |_____| ~ - . _ _ _ _ _> _________________________________________ < hello there! This is the stimpy.cow cow > ----------------------------------------- \ . _ . \ |\_|/__/| / / \/ \ \ /__|O||O|__ \ |/_ \_/\_/ _\ | | | (____) | || \/\___/\__/ // (_/ || | || | ||\ \ //_/ \______// __ || __|| (____(____) __________________________ / hello there! This is the \ \ supermilker.cow cow / -------------------------- \ ^__^ \ (oo)\_______ ________ (__)\ )\/\ |Super | ||----W | |Milker| || UDDDDDDDDD|______| ______________________________________ / hello there! This is the surgery.cow \ \ cow / -------------------------------------- \ \ / \ \/ (__) /\ (oo) O O _\/_ // * ( ) // \ (\\ // \( \\ ) ( \\ ) /\ ___[\______/^^^^^^^\__/) o-)__ |\__[=======______//________)__\ \|_______________//____________| ||| || //|| ||| ||| || @.|| ||| || \/ .\/ || . . '.'.` COW-OPERATION ________________________________________ / hello there! This is the telebears.cow \ \ cow / ---------------------------------------- \ _ \ (_) <-- TeleBEARS \ ^__^ / \ \ (oo)\_____/_\ \ (__)\ you ) / ||----w (( || ||>> _________________________________________ / hello there! This is the three-eyes.cow \ \ cow / ----------------------------------------- \ ^___^ \ (ooo)\_______ (___)\ )\/\ ||----w | || || _________________________________________ < hello there! This is the turkey.cow cow > ----------------------------------------- \ ,+*^^*+___+++_ \ ,*^^^^ ) \ _+* ^**+_ \ +^ _ _++*+_+++_, ) _+^^*+_ ( ,+*^ ^ \+_ ) { ) ( ,( ,_+--+--, ^) ^\ { (@) } f ,( ,+-^ __*_*_ ^^\_ ^\ ) {:;-/ (_+*-+^^^^^+*+*<_ _++_)_ ) ) / ( / ( ( ,___ ^*+_+* ) < < \ U _/ ) *--< ) ^\-----++__) ) ) ) ( ) _(^)^^)) ) )\^^^^^))^*+/ / / ( / (_))_^)) ) ) ))^^^^^))^^^)__/ +^^ ( ,/ (^))^)) ) ) ))^^^^^^^))^^) _) *+__+* (_))^) ) ) ))^^^^^^))^^^^^)____*^ \ \_)^)_)) ))^^^^^^^^^^))^^^^) (_ ^\__^^^^^^^^^^^^))^^^^^^^) ^\___ ^\__^^^^^^))^^^^^^^^)\\ ^^^^^\uuu/^^\uuu/^^^^\^\^\^\^\^\^\^\ ___) >____) >___ ^\_\_\_\_\_\_\) ^^^//\\_^^//\\_^ ^(\_\_\_\) ^^^ ^^ ^^^ ^ _________________________________________ < hello there! This is the turtle.cow cow > ----------------------------------------- \ ___-------___ \ _-~~ ~~-_ \ _-~ /~-_ /^\__/^\ /~ \ / \ /| O|| O| / \_______________/ \ | |___||__| / / \ \ | \ / / \ \ | (_______) /______/ \_________ \ | / / \ / \ \ \^\\ \ / \ / \ || \______________/ _-_ //\__// \ ||------_-~~-_ ------------- \ --/~ ~\ || __/ ~-----||====/~ |==================| |/~~~~~ (_(__/ ./ / \_\ \. (_(___/ \_____)_) ______________________________________ < hello there! This is the tux.cow cow > -------------------------------------- \ \ .--. |o_o | |:_/ | // \ \ (| | ) /'\_ _/`\ \___)=(___/ ________________________________________ < hello there! This is the udder.cow cow > ---------------------------------------- \ \ (__) o o\ ('') \--------- \ \ | |\ ||---( )_|| * || UU || == == __________________________ / hello there! This is the \ \ vader-koala.cow cow / -------------------------- \ \ . .---. // Y|o o|Y// /_(i=i)K/ ~()~*~()~ (_)-(_) Darth Vader koala ________________________________________ < hello there! This is the vader.cow cow > ---------------------------------------- \ ,-^-. \ !oYo! \ /./=\.\______ ## )\/\ ||-----w|| || || Cowth Vader ______________________________________ < hello there! This is the www.cow cow > -------------------------------------- \ ^__^ \ (oo)\_______ (__)\ )\/\ ||--WWW | || ||