Q3 Admin Server Commands
Any problems Contact SAS - SAS@barrysworld.com
/rconPassword <password> (I.e./rconPassword bwffaserver)
This will then give you access to the admin commands on the server.
*NOTE: If you do not place a / before every command it will not work and will instead be displayed to everyone on the server!*
/rcon = is used to change any value on the server. Examples:
Important commands (numbers are examples):
*NOTE: typing /rcon <command> and press enter will show what the server is set to already. Eg
/rcon timelimit will return timelimit value.*
/rcon map q3dm7
/rcon timelimit 20
/rcon capturelimit 8
/rcon fraglimit 50
/rcon kick <player name>
/rcon g_allowvote 0/1 = Turns off/on voting
/rcon g_doWarmup 0/1 = Warmup time before game starts
/rcon g_friendlyfire 0/1
/rcon g_needpass 0/1 = Sever password protected?
/rcon g_password "clanpass" = Password for clients to join
/rcon nextmap [mapname] = sets next map to be loaded.
Other Commands
sv_hostname "Server Name" -
what players will see on the join server window.
sv_maxclients 14 -
maximum number of players on the server.
g_motd "Welcome to the Quake3 server" -
message players will see while joining the server.
g_quadfactor 4 -
Quad Damage strength. 4 is normal. Default is 3.
g_gametype 0 -
Sets the type of game. 0 - Free for all, 1 - Tournament, 2 - Free for all(again), 3 - Team Deathmatch, 4 - Capture the Flag
timelimit 15 -
Sets the timelimit.
fraglimit 25 -
Sets the fraglimit.
g_weaponrespawn 3 -
Number of seconds before weapons respawn.
g_inactivity 3000 -
Number of seconds before an inactive player is kicked.
g_forcerespawn 0 -
Forces players to respawn. 0 is off, 1 is on.
g_teamAutoJoin 0/1 -
Turns off/on auto join teams.
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