08:33 -!- jasonc changed the topic of #opendarwin to: we don't need no steenken topic
16:00 -!- jasonc changed the topic of #opendarwin to: http://tinyurl.com/y6zktm
12:52 -!- jgw changed the topic of #opendarwin to: das 0, #opendarwin 3
13:21 -!- jgw changed the topic of #opendarwin to: http://youtube.com/watch?v=AoCm7DaRV4Q
13:43 -!- jgw changed the topic of #opendarwin to: google == nsa
23:37 -!- jkh_ changed the topic of #opendarwin to: http://shadowdane.shackspace.com/cats.htm
19:59 -!- jkh changed the topic of #opendarwin to: http://www.jesuspets.com/Home/2/What.is.JesusPets.aspx
13:11 -!- jasonc changed the topic of #opendarwin to: yawn
08:15 -!- sky changed the topic of #opendarwin to: gobble gobble
18:15 -!- sky changed the topic of #opendarwin to: gobble gobbled
13:56 -!- jasonc changed the topic of #OpenDarwin to: no topic
17:56 -!- jgw changed the topic of #OpenDarwin to: < bbraun> I've been doing lots of arm stuff lately
17:56 -!- cirdan changed the topic of #OpenDarwin to: < bbraun> I've been doing lots of arm stuff lately  <cirdan> Well, don't break your Palm...
13:44 -!- eric^ changed the topic of #OpenDarwin to: <bbrain> metro affluent liberal pc leaf licking prius driving gnu weenies
14:13 -!- jgw_ changed the topic of #OpenDarwin to: "pamf" replaces "gay", also EYEBOR!
14:15 -!- jgw_ changed the topic of #OpenDarwin to: more work friendly topic, also EYEBOR!
18:50 -!- jgw changed the topic of #OpenDarwin to: http://phonetrace.org/
22:51 -!- sky changed the topic of #OpenDarwin to: sux
23:03 -!- jgw changed the topic of #OpenDarwin to: http://phonetrace.org <-- evil site
13:14 -!- jgw_ changed the topic of #OpenDarwin to: If you actually have suspend working properly on a Boot Camp'd MBP, msg me please ;)
02:02 -!- jgw changed the topic of #OpenDarwin to: http://www.nist.gov/dads/
02:04 -!- jgw changed the topic of #OpenDarwin to: http://nist.gov/dads/ | http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oFJdjk2rq4E
23:42 -!- jgw changed the topic of #OpenDarwin to: RIP James Kim, I'll miss your PDA phone reviews
00:53 -!- landonf changed the topic of #OpenDarwin to: "In most cases passing clear-text messages is a benefit to the operations staff if they are sniffing the packets off of the wire." -- draft-ietf-syslog-protocol-19
16:40 -!- jasonc changed the topic of #opendarwin to: OpenDarwin: yes it's dead, no we're not helping you revive it
00:11 -!- jgw changed the topic of #opendarwin to: this channel is obsolete, join #macosforget
12:54 -!- snu changed the topic of #opendarwin to: opendarwin: we will never forget.
12:54 -!- bbraun changed the topic of #opendarwin to: opendarwin: we will try to forget.
12:55 -!- jgw changed the topic of #opendarwin to: opendarwin: we will try to #macforget
12:55 -!- bbraun changed the topic of #opendarwin to: opendarwin: we will try to forget, but probably fail.
12:55 -!- jgw changed the topic of #opendarwin to: opendarwin: we will try to #macforget, but probably fail.
12:53 -!- jgw_ changed the topic of #opendarwin to: dick in a box
12:54 -!- jgw_ changed the topic of #opendarwin to: http://religiousfreaks.com/2006/12/22/last-minute-christmas-present-on-the-cheap/
12:03 -!- jgw changed the topic of #opendarwin to: @bbraun> snu is really a federal agent looking to catch jkh^H^H^Hpedophiles online
14:11 -!- jkh changed the topic of #opendarwin to: bbraun's store?  http://www.flickr.com/photos/mountaintide/327090282/
04:39 -!- jgw changed the topic of #opendarwin to: xar!
04:39 -!- jgw changed the topic of #opendarwin to: xar! xarpard!
14:08 -!- jgw changed the topic of #opendarwin to: happy new xar
19:09 -!- jgw changed the topic of #opendarwin to: http://www.shadowmite.com/sand.html
01:48 -!- landonf changed the topic of #opendarwin to: MOAB: http://projects.info-pull.com/moab/ MOAB Patches: http://landonf.bikemonkey.org/code/macosx
10:29 -!- Cryo changed the topic of #opendarwin to: OMGPWNIES! MOAB: http://projects.info-pull.com/moab/ MOAB Patches: http://landonf.bikemonkey.org/code/macosx
15:09 -!- jgw changed the topic of #opendarwin to: On How To Lose Battles
20:32 -!- jgw changed the topic of #opendarwin to: < icegod> "Doctor, how long do I have to live?" "10." "Ten what?!" "9."
16:05 -!- jgw changed the topic of #opendarwin to: http://www.shadowmite.com/sand.html   enjoy
13:33 -!- jgw changed the topic of #opendarwin to: http://www.shadowmite.com/sand.html | http://www.shadowmite.com/sand2.html
17:56 -!- snu changed the topic of #opendarwin to: < inca> actually, this channel has a surprisingly low amount of trolling
18:48 -!- gh1 changed the topic of #opendarwin to: 05-23:42 < snu> please excuse me     05-23:42 < snu> while i shut up
22:22 -!- jasonc changed the topic of #opendarwin to: das doesn't know what he's talking about
22:22 -!- _das changed the topic of #opendarwin to: jgw: my cat gets scared and runs off when i pull down my shorts and wag my penis at her... then again, i guess i can't really blame her
22:23 -!- _das changed the topic of #opendarwin to: woot!
22:23 -!- _das changed the topic of #opendarwin to: jgw: my cat gets scared and runs off when i pull down my shorts and wag my penis at her... then again, i guess i can't really blame her
11:19 -!- jgw changed the topic of #opendarwin to: something not about my pen!5
19:18 -!- jgw changed the topic of #opendarwin to: bonjourrrr, ya cheese-eatin' surrender monkeys!
04:48 -!- landonf changed the topic of #opendarwin to: http://lists.apple.com/archives/Darwin-kernel/2005/Jul/msg00115.html
04:49 -!- landonf changed the topic of #opendarwin to: http://lists.apple.com/archives/Darwin-kernel/2005/Jul/msg00115.html -- 1 1/2 years and counting
14:09 -!- eric^ changed the topic of #opendarwin to: launchd is the new christianity
14:09 -!- gh1 changed the topic of #opendarwin to: World Domination via launchd!
17:08 -!- snu changed the topic of #opendarwin to: Giving C to PHP programmers is roughly analogous to giving a running chain saw to a 10 year old.
21:58 -!- Cryo changed the topic of #opendarwin to: landonf: Man, I don't want to ever hear of another month of anything bugs, ever again.
01:07 -!- jgw_ changed the topic of #opendarwin to: jkh, msg me the name/whereabouts of that thai bbq place in maui kthx
03:40 -!- olegb changed the topic of #opendarwin to: topic for rent - apply within
17:38 -!- snu changed the topic of #opendarwin to: < bbraun> Leimy: I'm a team player.
13:52 -!- eric^ changed the topic of #opendarwin to: <bbraun> I'm pretty sure #opendarwin is a root shell to my brain
09:50 -!- jasonc changed the topic of #opendarwin to: jkh owes bbraun wwdc tickets and a macbook
11:33 -!- jasonc changed the topic of #opendarwin to: jkh owes bbraun wwdc tickets, macbook pro, and a 30" cinema display
11:34 -!- jasonc changed the topic of #opendarwin to: jkh owes bbraun wwdc tickets, macbook pro, and a 30" cinema display (and all #od old timers also get cinema displays k plz thx)
16:45 -!- jgw changed the topic of #opendarwin to: RIP Anna Nicole, Mac Genius, TrimSpa Spokesmodel
15:03 -!- gh1 changed the topic of #opendarwin to: opendarwin - teh digital rights management argument channel
18:28 -!- jgw changed the topic of #opendarwin to: VERM0NT TEDDIE BE4RZZZ!!!@##
15:02 -!- jasonc changed the topic of #opendarwin to: 14:47 < jkh_> ass always wants to be on my keyboard
10:28 -!- eric^ changed the topic of #opendarwin to: lobster
15:54 -!- wbb4 changed the topic of #opendarwin to: lobster, and ask for jkh in chaps
10:17 -!- jasonc changed the topic of #opendarwin to: rock lobster
19:13 -!- jgw changed the topic of #opendarwin to:  _das> but there are an awful lot of people who aren't very reasonable
01:28 -!- eric^ changed the topic of #opendarwin to: lobster
19:17 -!- eric^ changed the topic of #opendarwin to: goats are so much more reliable than mysql
11:37 -!- jgw changed the topic of #opendarwin to: XAR.
11:38 -!- jasonc changed the topic of #opendarwin to: xar!
11:39 -!- wbb4 changed the topic of #opendarwin to: xar! with goats
12:50 -!- jgw changed the topic of #opendarwin to: XAR! with goats. * FIXED IN LEOPARD
15:45 -!- jgw changed the topic of #opendarwin to:  fenestro> as opposed to freakin 1800fucklers <- FIXED IN LEOPARD
11:03 -!- das_ changed the topic of #opendarwin to: <sky> anyone goonna party with me  <jasonc> I would but I'm nowhere near austin  <bbraun> I don't really party  <das_> party?
15:04 -!- jasonc changed the topic of #opendarwin to: is fixed in leopard
18:53 -!- jgw changed the topic of #opendarwin to: what is wrong with macports: Raim> macports is about compiling stuff yourself, not a generell app repository
19:20 -!- gh1 changed the topic of #opendarwin to: macports if off-topic
19:20 -!- gh1 changed the topic of #opendarwin to: macports is off-topic
17:52 -!- jgw changed the topic of #opendarwin to: jkh has quit "This MacBook Mini Core 3 Duo has gone to sleep"
17:02 -!- eric^ changed the topic of #opendarwin to: <bbraun> metro affluent liberal pc leaf licking prius driving gnu weenies
12:39 -!- jgw changed the topic of #opendarwin to: Oh Hubaju, Oh Hubaju, of all the hacks most lovely
10:57 -!- leimy changed the topic of #opendarwin to: "ATTORNEY: What gear were you in at the moment of impact?   WITNESS: Gucci sweats and Reeboks."
10:57 -!- jgw changed the topic of #opendarwin to: look here when torrent done: http://stateful.net/kaylee.mp4
10:01 -!- eric^ changed the topic of #opendarwin to: <jgw> netbsd exists to make minix look modern
11:29 -!- jgw changed the topic of #opendarwin to: http://www.shadowmite.com/sand.html
10:48 -!- jgw changed the topic of #opendarwin to: mack poarts ftw
10:33 -!- jgw changed the topic of #opendarwin to: @bbraun> mine is up as long as I'm on irc.
10:34 -!- jgw changed the topic of #opendarwin to: <@bbraun> mine is up as long as I'm on irc.
10:35 -!- jgw changed the topic of #opendarwin to: <@bbraun> mine is up as long as I'm on irc. | http://www.synack.net/~bbraun/od.php
10:00 -!- eric^ changed the topic of #opendarwin to: autoconf = cornholing
06:09 -!- sky changed the topic of #opendarwin to: opendarwin - mission accomplished
07:42 -!- jkh changed the topic of #opendarwin to: meh
07:43 -!- jkh changed the topic of #opendarwin to: 2nd sign of the apocalypse: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FONt47Z0KZg
07:44 -!- jgw changed the topic of #opendarwin to: 2nd sign of the apocalypse: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FONt47Z0KZg | http://synack.net/~bbraun/od.php
05:45 -!- jgw changed the topic of #opendarwin to: apple jihadism
12:08 -!- jgw changed the topic of #opendarwin to: official channel members pic: http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/4/4e/FurryGamesMidwestFurFest2006GreenReaper.jpg
13:59 -!- jkh changed the topic of #opendarwin to: [15:58]  <jgw> das rocks ;)
10:01 -!- das_ changed the topic of #opendarwin to: bbraun: my dog is diseased and can't go to the dog park this week
13:23 -!- _das changed the topic of #opendarwin to: official #od channel members pic: http://www.baddogsaloonstl.com/images/FURRIES_WEB.jpg left to right: bbraun, jgw, wbb4, jasonc, jkh
07:29 -!- jgw changed the topic of #opendarwin to: FIXED IN LEPPARD~^WOCTOBER
12:54 -!- jgw changed the topic of #opendarwin to: Dude, OD's Dead.
14:27 -!- jgw changed the topic of #opendarwin to:  <@bbraun> oh man.  I've got a good buzz going on.  I should go out and chainsaw something
17:01 -!- jgw changed the topic of #opendarwin to: The first rule of #OpenDarwin is "Do not talk about OpenDarwin!"
07:10 -!- jgw changed the topic of #opendarwin to: Leopard -> October 2007. Blame Teh Braun.
09:21 -!- jgw changed the topic of #opendarwin to: The first rule of #OpenDarwin is: "DO NOT TALK ABOUT OPENDARWIN!"
10:44 -!- jgw changed the topic of #opendarwin to: OpenDarwin 10.5 will include XGL, Xen, and IPv6 as the default
04:55 -!- jgw changed the topic of #opendarwin to: <wbb4> Cryo, you can be one of jkh's pets <wbb4> mmmm dry cat food
13:49 -!- eric^ changed the topic of #opendarwin to: RAGE AGAINST LARRY MCVOY
13:50 -!- eric^ changed the topic of #opendarwin to: RALM - RAGE AGAINST LARRY MCVOY
11:31 -!- jgw changed the topic of #opendarwin to: < bbraun> jkh: I showed them my pre-apple daemonnews article just to show what my apple/darwin experience has done to me.
11:47 -!- jgw changed the topic of #opendarwin to:  < jkh> let's assume for the moment that you're all bright, talented hackers
13:38 -!- pogma changed the topic of #opendarwin to:  < ssen> the hallway conversation outside makes me want to stab myself in the nuts
08:47 -!- jgw changed the topic of #opendarwin to: "I'm sorry, I can't hear you. Don't fire the gun while you're talking."
13:06 -!- jgw changed the topic of #opendarwin to: http://www.toledoblade.com/apps/pbcs.dll/article?AID=/20070425/OPINION04/704250310/0/OPINION
09:29 -!- jkh changed the topic of #opendarwin to: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yL_-1d9OSdk
11:26 -!- jgw changed the topic of #opendarwin to: RR needs a jobby job: http://ranger.befunk.com/resume.html
13:08 -!- jgw changed the topic of #opendarwin to: RR has a jobby job
11:27 -!- jgw changed the topic of #opendarwin to: FIXED IN ???
12:26 -!- jgw changed the topic of #opendarwin to: You are coming to a sad realization that in Soviet Russia, new Microsoft patent meme infringes you 123 times. Cancel or Allow?
09:00 -!- jgw changed the topic of #opendarwin to: Channel Is Dead. No OpenDarwin or Warez Pup Support.
12:27 -!- leimy changed the topic of #opendarwin to: Deprecated
13:41 -!- eric^ changed the topic of #opendarwin to: UselessOS
13:45 -!- jgw changed the topic of #opendarwin to: Inferno's fur furries, lulz
13:45 -!- jgw changed the topic of #opendarwin to: Inferno's for furries, lulz
09:10 -!- jgw changed the topic of #opendarwin to: OpenDarwin is dead. Requests for support will be ridiculed. Warez pups, kicked.
10:44 -!- jgw changed the topic of #opendarwin to: OpenDarwin is dead. Requests for support will be ridiculed. Pets molested (if jasonc is available). Warez pups, kicked.
18:13 -!- jgw changed the topic of #opendarwin to: if you need a ride from wwdc to omgwwdcbbq, /msg jgw or htodd or rudy and give contact info
09:56 -!- jgw_ changed the topic of #opendarwin to: If you need a ride to OMGWWDCBBQ, call jgw (ask channel for my phone #)
12:05 -!- bbraun changed the topic of #opendarwin to: If you need a ride to OMGWWDCBBQ, call jgw (cell: 541-867-5309)
12:20 -!- _das changed the topic of #opendarwin to: If you need a ride to OMGWWDCBBQ, call jgw (cell: 541-867-5309) | snu removes his trousers and underwear, and throws it at das
07:31 -!- jgw changed the topic of #opendarwin to: Meet at bottom of escalators after Keynote
12:54 -!- RangerRick changed the topic of #opendarwin to: A wise man once said, "I wish I was infinitely fast."
15:49 -!- bbraun changed the topic of #opendarwin to: 2nd floor, outside mission
19:36 -!- gh1 changed the topic of #opendarwin to: not (2nd floor, outside mission), maybe tomorrow.  Try Toranado's (sp?)
07:00 -!- RangerRick changed the topic of #opendarwin to: 2nd floor, outside mission, JOIN ME IF YOU DARE
09:40 -!- jgw changed the topic of #opendarwin to: Second floor round tables directly outside Mission, bring underpants
10:39 -!- RangerRick changed the topic of #opendarwin to: Second floor round tables directly outside Mission, bring underpants (sSpecifically, wear them.  Please.)
10:39 -!- RangerRick changed the topic of #opendarwin to: econd floor round tables directly outside Mission, bring underpants (Specifically, wear them.  Please.)
10:41 -!- rwatson changed the topic of #opendarwin to: Second floor tables directly outside Mission; Mac OS X boot process: loader, miracle, login prompt
11:26 -!- rwatson changed the topic of #opendarwin to: 2nd floor outside Mission; Mac OS X boot process explained: loader, miracle, login prompt
11:26 -!- frijole changed the topic of #opendarwin to: WWDCC: 2nd floor tables outside Mission | MacOS X boot process: loader, miracle, login prompt | On-topic is Off-topic
11:33 -!- gh1 changed the topic of #opendarwin to: WWDC: 2nd floor tables outside Mission | MacOS X boot process: loader, miracle, login prompt | On-topic is Off-topic
12:01 -!- rwatson changed the topic of #opendarwin to: WWDC: Mac OS X boot process: loader, miracle, login prompt
13:21 -!- htodd changed the topic of #opendarwin to: buncha wankers
14:39 -!- jmpp changed the topic of #opendarwin to: love ya jkh! http://www.greenpeace.org/raw/image_full/international/photosvideos/photos/george-bush-leads-the-us-towar.jpg
17:53 -!- jgw changed the topic of #opendarwin to: Welcome to #OpenZFS
17:54 -!- RangerRick changed the topic of #opendarwin to: Welcome to FurryCon '07, Tonight's Keynote Topic: ZFS
18:08 -!- jmpp changed the topic of #opendarwin to: Welcome to FurryCon '07, Tonight's Keynote Topic: ZFS (sidenote: get your cheese heroin snak!)
07:09 -!- jgw changed the topic of #opendarwin to: also join #leopard-nda for wwdc infoz/talk (key is build#)
07:41 -!- jgw changed the topic of #opendarwin to: also #leopard-nda (key is size of dvd player.app in bytes, or ask one of us)
07:46 -!- frijole changed the topic of #opendarwin to: also #leopard-nda (key is result of md5 /Applications/DVD\ Player.app/Contents/MacOS/DVD\ Player)
14:26 -!- frijole changed the topic of #opendarwin to: where on-topic isn't tolerated | #leopard-nda, key is the first 10 digits of  md5 /Applications/DVD\
14:26 -!- frijole changed the topic of #opendarwin to: where on-topic isn't tolerated | #leopard-nda, key is the first 10 digits of  md5 /Applications/DVD\ Player.app/Contents/MacOS/DVD\ Player
14:28 -!- RangerRick changed the topic of #opendarwin to: where on-topic isn't tolerated | #leopard-nda, key is md5 /Applications/DVD\ Player.app/Contents/MacOS/DVD\ Player | cut -b64-73
09:47 -!- frijole changed the topic of #opendarwin to: where on-topic isn't tolerated | #leopard-nda, key is 'md5 /Applications/DVD\ Player.app/Contents/MacOS/DVD\ Player | cut -b64-73'
12:15 -!- jgw changed the topic of #opendarwin to: Announcement: OpenDarwin is dead! | #leopard-nda for wwdc attendees, key is the brand of fruit juice offered liek hotcakes at wwdc
12:15 -!- jgw changed the topic of #opendarwin to: Announcement: OpenDarwin is dead! | #leopard-nda for wwdc attendees, key is the brand of fruit juice offered like hotcakes at wwdc
10:22 -!- leimy changed the topic of #opendarwin to: pink bike shorts
13:20 -!- frijole changed the topic of #opendarwin to: <bbraun> you wouldn't hack jesus would you? why hack the iphone. unless you're jewish I suppose
15:47 -!- jgw changed the topic of #opendarwin to: Jesus died for your win!
11:05 -!- jgw changed the topic of #opendarwin to: oin #iPhone for iPhone conversation, so we don't annoy the less lucky
11:05 -!- jgw changed the topic of #opendarwin to: Join #iPhone for iPhone conversation, so we don't annoy the less lucky
15:56 -!- chandler changed the topic of #opendarwin to: Join #iPhone for iPhone conversation, so you don't annoy the unzombified
13:01 -!- Leimy changed the topic of #opendarwin to: Chris Benoit!
21:51 -!- frijole changed the topic of #opendarwin to: Steve Holt!
16:09 -!- jgw changed the topic of #opendarwin to: OD is dead / FurryMuffcon 2008 - Feb 14-18 - Austin, TX
16:20 -!- frijole changed the topic of #opendarwin to: WELCOME TO WIIIIIINGDOME!! Two wings enter, One wing leaves!
19:35 -!- frijole changed the topic of #opendarwin to: Welcome to #opendarwin: Beware of Man-Eating Badgers
10:27 -!- fenestro changed the topic of #opendarwin to: bbraun gets fired: http://www.timeanddate.com/counters/fullscreen.html?mode=a&year=2007&month=7&day=30&hour=12&min=00&sec=00&p0=419
14:20 -!- jgw changed the topic of #opendarwin to: DEAR APPLE, RELEASE A GOD DAMNED IPHONE SDK. THANKS!
16:23 -!- jasonc changed the topic of #opendarwin to: dear apple, plz 2 b doing teh needful k thx
18:35 -!- frijole changed the topic of #opendarwin to: zomg harry potter night
10:46 -!- frijole changed the topic of #opendarwin to: "I bet we can clean this all up with a match." - Pack 490 Cubmaster, August, 1984
12:34 -!- jgw changed the topic of #opendarwin to: http://www.instructables.com/id/EMDCESQF2DSDRAG/
00:06 -!- jgw changed the topic of #opendarwin to: http://www.purepwnage.com/episodes/s1/3/ oldie but goodie
00:11 -!- jgw changed the topic of #opendarwin to: http://www.purepwnage.com/episodes/s1/5/ oldie but goodie
21:36 -!- sky changed the topic of #opendarwin to: spider pig, spider pig, does what ever, a spider pig does
13:47 -!- frijole changed the topic of #opendarwin to: Note to self: Lick dick. | Now where did I put that note???? | http://www.jerkcity.com/jerkcity3194.html
13:47 -!- frijole changed the topic of #opendarwin to: <jgw> i really really hate ruby, gems, and rails
14:12 -!- ChuChuRocket changed the topic of #opendarwin to: Welcome to OpenTroll - the largest collection of trolls on Freenode, sharing flames and YouTube URLs daily
13:26 -!- jgw changed the topic of #opendarwin to: < das_> you act as if there have been massive changes in the government of the US since you have been born
13:38 -!- das_ changed the topic of #opendarwin to:  
13:39 -!- jasonc changed the topic of #opendarwin to: listening to das can be harmful for your health
13:39 -!- das_ changed the topic of #opendarwin to:  
13:39 -!- htodd changed the topic of #opendarwin to: das is changing history
13:39 -!- snu changed the topic of #opendarwin to: topic fight!
13:39 -!- jasonc changed the topic of #opendarwin to: screw das
13:39 -!- jgw changed the topic of #opendarwin to: snu is gaye
13:39 -!- snu changed the topic of #opendarwin to: screw das' mom
13:40 -!- jasonc changed the topic of #opendarwin to: das likes it in teh pooper
13:40 -!- jgw changed the topic of #opendarwin to: /topic ${your_topic}
13:40 -!- snu changed the topic of #opendarwin to: marvin gaye?
18:58 -!- htodd changed the topic of #opendarwin to: Boba Fett? BOBA FETT?!?
19:05 -!- jgw changed the topic of #opendarwin to: Carrots don't really contain much calcium.
19:10 -!- htodd changed the topic of #opendarwin to: wait for gh1 to rat us out again
19:41 -!- htodd changed the topic of #opendarwin to: 16:18  singingarc> time to download some pr0n
18:18 -!- jgw changed the topic of #opendarwin to: plz 2 no tilt teh coke machines
12:31 -!- jgw changed the topic of #opendarwin to: http://paste.lisp.org/display/46184
12:54 -!- htodd changed the topic of #opendarwin to: happy wedding day, jgw!
13:24 -!- htodd changed the topic of #opendarwin to: jgw is marriaged
19:11 -!- jgw changed the topic of #opendarwin to: jgw is indeed marriaged
12:28 -!- frijole changed the topic of #opendarwin to: Welcome to the Dude & Catastrophe | Topics for discussion not limited to Dudes and Catastrophes | oh yeah, jgw is indeed marriaged
21:15 -!- frijole changed the topic of #opendarwin to: Welcome to #opendarwin, free from yiff for 6 months!
15:37 -!- jgw changed the topic of #opendarwin to: Welcome to #opendarwin, free from yiff for 1 minute!
14:04 -!- jasonc changed the topic of #opendarwin to: Welcome to #OpenDarwin, now with more yiff
14:10 -!- frijole changed the topic of #opendarwin to: Welcome to #opendarwin. Where we eschew sequipedalian obfuscation.
21:02 -!- frijole changed the topic of #opendarwin to: Welcome to #opendarwin | Ask elptacek about beginner tutorials in latex
21:58 -!- _das changed the topic of #opendarwin to: Welcome to #opendarwin | Ask elptacek about beginner tutorials in latex -> http://www.tug.org/begin.html
20:44 -!- frijole changed the topic of #opendarwin to: <snu> i'm an asshole
20:44 -!- snu changed the topic of #opendarwin to: <frijole> i like to make out with donkeys
20:58 -!- htodd changed the topic of #opendarwin to: snu likes to make out with frijole
21:24 -!- pogma changed the topic of #opendarwin to: htodd is jealous of snu and frijole's intimacy
23:52 -!- frijole changed the topic of #opendarwin to: htodd is jealous if snu and frijole's intimacy | Please Do Not Feed The Nerds
11:55 -!- htodd changed the topic of #opendarwin to: ask about opendarwin and get trolled
11:55 -!- jkh_ changed the topic of #opendarwin to: there is no opendarwin
10:53 -!- Leimy changed the topic of #opendarwin to: <jasonc> I like muscular girls
11:14 -!- pogma changed the topic of #opendarwin to:  < Leimy> I like using my finger
11:15 -!- Leimy changed the topic of #opendarwin to: shove it in your tail recursion
11:20 -!- jasonc changed the topic of #opendarwin to: topic war!
11:21 -!- snu changed the topic of #opendarwin to: http://www.wisechoiceuk.com/ProdImages/topic.jpg
12:23 -!- htodd changed the topic of #opendarwin to: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eBGIQ7ZuuiU
12:29 -!- pogma changed the topic of #opendarwin to: htodd's topics suck
18:43 -!- Cryo changed the topic of #opendarwin to: Death by snu-snu
16:23 -!- Cryo changed the topic of #opendarwin to:  leaf licking prius driving gnu worshipping weenies
12:10 -!- Cryo changed the topic of #opendarwin to: Yarrr
10:59 -!- Leimy changed the topic of #opendarwin to: one week from today, Delistcious SCO can have a Nasdaiquiri
18:25 -!- jgw changed the topic of #opendarwin to: @bbraun> once I'm over thirty though, I might need to keep it up
15:20 -!- Leimy changed the topic of #opendarwin to: bbraun why am I going to guess that Tony sent you that?
15:20 -!- Leimy changed the topic of #opendarwin to: :-)
10:00 -!- sky changed the topic of #opendarwin to: happy bday bbraun
11:09 -!- sky changed the topic of #opendarwin to: happy bday jasonc
10:06 -!- jasonc changed the topic of #opendarwin to: happy birthday to me (yesterday)
14:19 -!- jgw changed the topic of #opendarwin to:  <das_> gh1, in case it escapes you, I'm being retarded
09:39 -!- cirdan changed the topic of #opendarwin to: http://del.icio.us/rangerrick/opendarwin | It's a girl!! Congrats Leimy
17:37 -!- eric^ changed the topic of #opendarwin to: <jgw> in terms of Dell's rectal circle, you're the pupil of the brown eye
11:30 -!- jasonc changed the topic of #opendarwin to: http://i206.photobucket.com/albums/bb19/youdumbcat/EpicFail02.jpg
11:32 -!- frijole changed the topic of #opendarwin to: FailEx Tracking update: Your shipment of fail should be delivered to Town Hall, 4 Infinite Loop, at or around 1 PM EST.
10:33 -!- jgw changed the topic of #opendarwin to: FailEx Tracking update: Your shipment of fail was delivered Mar 6, 2000 10:00AM PDT
10:45 -!- frijole changed the topic of #opendarwin to: FailEx Tracking Update: Your shipment of fail was delivered to 4 Infinite Loop at 10:00 AM PDT on Mar 6, 2008, and signed for by "S. Jobs" (click to view signature)
14:29 -!- jgw changed the topic of #opendarwin to: http://pax-europa.com/temp/weird.jpg perhaps nsfw text
15:51 -!- frijole changed the topic of #opendarwin to: Next #opendarwin meetup: June 9-13, 2008, Moscone Center | kvv's couch space limited, register early or you'll end up on the floor
00:51 -!- jgw changed the topic of #opendarwin to: htodd ftw, drink a beer!
09:05 -!- frijole changed the topic of #opendarwin to: Happy Pi Day!
14:36 -!- jgw changed the topic of #opendarwin to: < jasonc> won't you take me to / pwnytown!
18:18 -!- htodd changed the topic of #opendarwin to: NEWS FLASH: bbraun is grumpy today
12:17 -!- frijole changed the topic of #opendarwin to: NEWS FLASH: bbraun has a case of the mondays
11:27 -!- frijole changed the topic of #opendarwin to: Process bernake recieved signal SIGFAIL and failed to exit.
16:28 -!- frijole changed the topic of #opendarwin to: This afternoon, we've got a cold front coming in that should drop between 3 and 4 inches of fail overnight, then fail showers likely for the rest of the week.
21:20 -!- jgw changed the topic of #opendarwin to: roblimo!
21:21 -!- frijole changed the topic of #opendarwin to: jgw fails at topics
11:03 -!- frijole changed the topic of #opendarwin to: Why spend your day digging through crap posts from Erica on TUAW? Read TUAW with 75% less crap thanks to the TUAW Non-Erica RSS Feed, powered by Yahoo! Pipes: http://pipes.yahoo.com/pipes/pipe.info?_id=PkSjG2R33BGiFQJuJhOy0Q
11:05 -!- pogma changed the topic of #opendarwin to: ETOPICTOOLONG
11:06 -!- frijole changed the topic of #opendarwin to: Erica sux! http://pipes.yahoo.com/pipes/pipe.info?_id=PkSjG2R33BGiFQJuJhOy0Q
11:07 -!- frijole changed the topic of #opendarwin to: TUAW without Erica? Not too good to be true: http://tinyurl.com/338ut6
11:07 -!- bbraun changed the topic of #opendarwin to: tinyurl sucks
15:19 -!- jgw changed the topic of #opendarwin to: OMGWWDC 2007 BBQ Pic: http://i26.tinypic.com/27xe0l4.jpg
09:50 -!- jgw changed the topic of #opendarwin to: lol linux hackers -> http://www.technewsworld.com/story/mobile-tech/62209.html
20:04 -!- jgw changed the topic of #opendarwin to: http://rebelrockrunners.org/gallery/d/15940-2/gtfo.jpg
20:27 -!- jgw changed the topic of #opendarwin to: http://i262.photobucket.com/albums/ii94/TheWalkingDude/1203408014868.jpg
23:19 -!- frijole changed the topic of #opendarwin to: plz2caption the frijole's zomgsegway moment: http://gallery.mac.com/boxpenguin/100008/IMG_0095/web.jpg submit to ianmeyer@mac.com, kthx!
23:46 -!- bbraun changed the topic of #opendarwin to: topic for rent
00:06 -!- pogma changed the topic of #opendarwin to: topic for rent (only beer is accepted as currency)
00:09 -!- pinskia changed the topic of #opendarwin to: topic for rent (only beer is accepted as currency, 151 are worth half a beer though)
13:08 -!- jgw changed the topic of #opendarwin to: take me to pwnytown
17:10 -!- sky changed the topic of #opendarwin to: autechre in seattle monday
13:07 -!- sky changed the topic of #opendarwin to: autechre in seattle tomorrow
09:39 -!- Leimy changed the topic of #opendarwin to: anyone tried to pry the gun from charleton heston's hands yet?
17:06 -!- Leimy changed the topic of #opendarwin to: "This page intentionally left stank"
01:02 -!- jgw changed the topic of #opendarwin to: Super Mario Bros in Javascript http://www.nihilogic.dk/labs/mario/mario_small_music.htm
10:43 -!- pogma changed the topic of #opendarwin to: <@bbraun> mine's about 3" wide
13:18 -!- bbraun changed the topic of #opendarwin to: 11:30 IL0/7
13:18 -!- bbraun changed the topic of #opendarwin to: 11:30 sharp @ IL0/7
19:45 -!- bbraun changed the topic of #opendarwin to: food, beer, parties
19:45 -!- kfm82 changed the topic of #opendarwin to: food, beer, parties, calls from the wife
17:33 -!- jgw changed the topic of #opendarwin to: no all night furries
22:31 -!- jgw changed the topic of #opendarwin to: http://www.flickr.com/photos/robandsteph/2341324353/in/set-72157604141332486/
10:48 -!- jgw changed the topic of #opendarwin to: mike the headless chicken | no late night furries
12:20 -!- pogma changed the topic of #opendarwin to: das the headless chicken | no late night furries
12:21 -!- pogma changed the topic of #opendarwin to: das the headless furry chicken
13:20 -!- jgw_ changed the topic of #opendarwin to: http://foobage.com/quotes/744
17:19 -!- jgw_ changed the topic of #opendarwin to: relive last week: http://www.subservientchicken.com/
14:21 -!- Leimy changed the topic of #opendarwin to: whatever
15:06 -!- jgw changed the topic of #opendarwin to: Pwnies 4 sale: http://www.equinenow.com/pony.htm
20:56 -!- Cryo changed the topic of #opendarwin to:  There are 10 kinds of people in the world:  Those who understand binary, and those who don't.
20:59 -!- frijole changed the topic of #opendarwin to: There are 10 kinds of people in the world: those who understand binary, and dumb fucks who don't deserve to live.
21:30 -!- bbraun changed the topic of #opendarwin to: There are 10 kinds of people in the world: those who understand binary, and dumb fucks who don't deserve to live. | Matthew 5:37
12:47 -!- jgw_ changed the topic of #opendarwin to: There are 10 kinds of people in the world: those who understand binary, and dumb fucks who don't deserve to live. | Matthew 5:37 | Banjo 4:20
23:21 -!- frijole changed the topic of #opendarwin to: This channel is the first evidence of three-digit intelligence on IRC I've seen yet. -- jgw
09:53 -!- htodd changed the topic of #opendarwin to: Leimy 2.0 arrived at 8:04 PM on 4/22 at about 8.14 pounds :-)
13:39 -!- jgw changed the topic of #opendarwin to: Leimy 2.0 arrived at 8:04 PM on 4/22 at about 8.14 pounds :-) | http://homepage.mac.com/leimy2k/leimy2.0.jpg
16:28 -!- kfm82 changed the topic of #opendarwin to: "Leimy 2.0 arrived at 8:04 PM on 4/22 at about 8.14 pounds :-) | http://homepage.mac.com/leimy2k/leimy2.0.jpg | that picture URL is still b0rken"
09:28 -!- Leimy changed the topic of #opendarwin to: time for a new topic
21:12 -!- cirdan changed the topic of #opendarwin to: (This Space for Rent)
21:19 -!- kfm82 changed the topic of #opendarwin to: "(This Space for Rent) - call cirdan for rates and terms"
21:34 -!- Leimy changed the topic of #opendarwin to: http://teddziuba.com/2008/04/24/1205210029413.jpg
10:22 -!- frijole changed the topic of #opendarwin to: http://www.jerkcity.com/jerkcity3477.gif
15:30 -!- bbraun changed the topic of #opendarwin to: 5/23 bbraun's place.  Beer will be served.
12:56 -!- jakegw changed the topic of #opendarwin to: 5/23 bbraun's place. Beer will be served. | channel members photo: http://i188.photobucket.com/albums/z56/LinkRJH/wrong-convention.jpg
16:28 -!- chandler changed the topic of #opendarwin to: Freedom Tickling: Denied In Full
23:50 -!- RangerRick changed the topic of #opendarwin to: Apple is just IBM with a sticker on it, in a handwoven basket, and #opendarwin is the basket case
15:33 -!- jakegw changed the topic of #opendarwin to: <bbraun> I'll do a male deal tomorrow
12:10 -!- frijole changed the topic of #opendarwin to: <bbraun> I'll do a male deal tomorrow | http://ianmeyer.ath.cx/groups/WWDC/
17:07 -!- jgw changed the topic of #opendarwin to: http://www.break.com/index/a-song-for-the-ladies.html
13:25 -!- jgw changed the topic of #opendarwin to:  jkh> oh, most of the small dogs love the kitty roca
02:29 -!- jkh changed the topic of #opendarwin to: OMGWTFWWDCBBQ - 1pm.  You know where.
10:17 -!- jgw changed the topic of #opendarwin to: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2EKZOKxdxj4
15:14 -!- jgw changed the topic of #opendarwin to: http://store.apple.com/us/browse/home/shop_iphone/family/iphone?mco=MTE2NTQ
15:32 -!- jgw changed the topic of #opendarwin to: pay up, bitches: http://s3.gadgetreview.com/wp-content/uploads/2008/04/all_black_iphone_3g.png
01:25 -!- frijole changed the topic of #opendarwin to: GODDAMMIT NOONE KNOWS ABOUT THE iPHONE 3G
01:27 -!- _das changed the topic of #opendarwin to: The first rule of #opendarwin is - you do not talk about iPhone 3G. The second rule of #opendarwin is - you DO NOT talk about iPhone 3G.
01:29 -!- jgw changed the topic of #opendarwin to: Mobile Me. Discuss the utter coolness.
09:51 -!- sky changed the topic of #opendarwin to: http://play.typeracer.com/index?room=R3Vlc3QxODE5Nzk1Mzc1NDI1NTYxNDg0
11:44 -!- jgw changed the topic of #opendarwin to: Applications may not be designed or marketed for real time route guidance
16:41 -!- Leimy changed the topic of #opendarwin to: predictable
17:58 -!- frijole changed the topic of #opendarwin to: Welcome to #opendarwin. Please present your ID for checking. If you have lost your ID, you may be subject to advanced and/or intensive interrogation techniques. Thanks, and have a nice day.
17:59 -!- frijole changed the topic of #opendarwin to: Welcome to #opendarwin. Please present your ID for checking. If you do, you may be subject to advanced and/or intensive interrogation techniques. Thanks, and have a nice day.
00:05 -!- jgw changed the topic of #opendarwin to: shantonu!
15:22 -!- jgw changed the topic of #opendarwin to: http://alpha61.com/primenumbershittingbear/
10:21 -!- jgw changed the topic of #opendarwin to: http://www.mailonsunday.co.uk/sciencetech/article-1026340/Jurassic-Park-comes-true-scientists-brink-bringing-dinosaurs-life-thanks-discovery-DNA-relics-humble-chicken.html
12:39 -!- pogma changed the topic of #opendarwin to: < jasonc> wow, this channel is so full of nerd
14:33 -!- chandler changed the topic of #opendarwin to: < jasonc> wow, this channel is so full of nerd | < jasonc> it's a channel of giants
14:34 -!- jasonc changed the topic of #opendarwin to: < jasonc> totally a giant nerd channel
11:06 -!- chandler changed the topic of #opendarwin to: http://linuxhaters.blogspot.com/
16:24 -!- Cryo changed the topic of #opendarwin to: wish pogma happy birthday.... tomorrow
17:07 -!- jgw changed the topic of #opendarwin to: <vmlemon> "Ran" as in "got past the bootloader, got the kernel loaded and then crashed just before reaching a shell"? ;) | <pogma> no, that's puredarwin
17:20 -!- vmlemon_ changed the topic of #opendarwin to: PureDarwin isn't dead - in fact, it's just getting started
18:12 -!- bbraun changed the topic of #opendarwin to: Safari can't open the page "http://www.opendarwin.org/"
12:18 -!- jgw_ changed the topic of #opendarwin to: das: http://rixstep.com/1/20080620,00.shtml
14:29 -!- jgw changed the topic of #opendarwin to: sen [n=ssen@] has quit ["Read error: 69 (Excessive tongue)"]
16:35 -!- pogma changed the topic of #opendarwin to: the only place you can go that won't kick in your head for being a fucker.
11:24 -!- Leimy changed the topic of #opendarwin to: binding
14:47 -!- jgw changed the topic of #opendarwin to: "I have good news and bad news. The bad news is I can't tell you the good news."
09:37 -!- chandler changed the topic of #opendarwin to: In Singularity, software maintains you!
18:36 -!- gh1 changed the topic of #opendarwin to: In Mac OS X, I/O pwns UI!
16:10 -!- Leimy changed the topic of #opendarwin to: welcome to the speculatorium
16:10 -!- frijole changed the topic of #opendarwin to: welcome to the speculatorium. here's your complimentary speculum.
14:10 -!- jgw_ changed the topic of #opendarwin to: Happy 35th Birthday, jgw!
14:11 -!- pogma changed the topic of #opendarwin to: Happy 35th Birthday, jgw!
17:59 -!- chandler changed the topic of #opendarwin to: Happy 35th Birthday, jgw! | <#opendarwin> people suck
15:05 -!- pogma changed the topic of #opendarwin to: people suck
15:06 -!- gh1 changed the topic of #opendarwin to: sucks
15:06 -!- gh1 changed the topic of #opendarwin to: \* sucks
15:13 -!- chandler changed the topic of #opendarwin to: sucks
15:13 -!- chandler changed the topic of #opendarwin to: /topic sucks
15:13 -!- chandler changed the topic of #opendarwin to: * sucks
15:18 -!- Leimy changed the topic of #opendarwin to: .*
15:19  * chandler changed the topic of #opendarwin to: Leimy sucks
15:20 -!- bbraun changed the topic of #opendarwin to: \/topic sucks
15:41 -!- sky changed the topic of #opendarwin to: tell sky what beer to drink at the seattlebeerfest
18:08 -!- chandler changed the topic of #opendarwin to: it's beer o'clock
11:19 -!- chandler changed the topic of #opendarwin to: escalation of privileges considered trivial
22:27 -!- jgw changed the topic of #opendarwin to: fsck hans reiser
20:35 -!- frijole changed the topic of #opendarwin to: rubber balls and liquor
15:03 -!- jgw_ changed the topic of #opendarwin to: MD5 (iPhone1,2_2.0_5A347_Restore.ipsw) = 93f1a04f5b2fcff4fa93da1dce486c80
16:22 -!- jgw_ changed the topic of #opendarwin to: http://warnet.ws/img3/130/pod/21.jpg
11:34 -!- pogma changed the topic of #opendarwin to: < boboTjones> i'll pay you to blow me
17:47 -!- chandler changed the topic of #opendarwin to: < boboTjones> i'll pay you to blow me | < chandler> and in this case, it's all throat-clearing
11:51 -!- chandler changed the topic of #opendarwin to: OpenGnu/HurdDarwin
17:45 -!- chandler changed the topic of #opendarwin to: < gwbu5h> so i'm asking congress to eliminate the cause of freedom. they're helping us know who's coming into office.
15:07 -!- chandler changed the topic of #opendarwin to: #opendarwin: harnessing the ! energy
10:37 -!- RangerRick changed the topic of #opendarwin to: harnessing the ! energy | <mdales> buttpads - fantastic, thanks for link
10:18 -!- jgw changed the topic of #opendarwin to: http://philip.greenspun.com/humor/eecs-difference-explained
10:56 -!- chandler changed the topic of #opendarwin to: mmm: http://www.slashfood.com/2008/08/28/krispy-kreme-cheddar-bacon-cheeseburgers-at-the-google-cafeteria/
11:04 -!- chandler changed the topic of #opendarwin to: mmm: http://www.hopelessgeek.com/2008/08/26/krispy-kreme-bacon-cheddar-cheeseburgers
13:28 -!- frijole changed the topic of #opendarwin to: < vmlemon_> Schr"oedinger's Apple - It's What's NeXT | mmm: http://www.hopelessgeek.com/2008/08/26/krispy-kreme-bacon-cheddar-cheeseburgers
19:50 -!- jgw changed the topic of #opendarwin to: It's Friday http://www.phydiux.com/bill_lumbergh_soundboard.cfm
12:12 -!- chandler changed the topic of #opendarwin to: http://i37.tinypic.com/2elcyuh.jpg
16:30 -!- chandler changed the topic of #opendarwin to: http://tinyurl.com/2tubgirls1cup (NSFW!)
11:38 -!- jgw changed the topic of #opendarwin to: MOAR SNOE LEPPARD RUMERS
11:08 -!- jgw1 changed the topic of #opendarwin to: Happy 9/11, enjoy your culture of fear and lack of freedoms
15:36 -!- jgw changed the topic of #opendarwin to: http://www.paulgraham.com/wealth.html
17:33 -!- jgw changed the topic of #opendarwin to: http://www.catb.org/~esr/writings/sextips/bedplay.html
17:34 -!- bbraun changed the topic of #opendarwin to: http://www.mirrors.wiretapped.net/security/info/reference/nsa-guides/windowsxp/guide-to-securing-ms-windows-xp.pdf
19:42 -!- jgw changed the topic of #opendarwin to:  <bbraun> let he who was without sin cast the first stone, right?  Who's without sin?  Jesus.  So, I'm pretty sure jesus was saying don't start without him.
16:40 -!- jgw__ changed the topic of #opendarwin to: jgw's wallet of choice: http://www.bigskinny.net/
16:42 -!- chandler changed the topic of #opendarwin to: the wallet for pussies (and jgw): http://www.bigskinny.net/
07:38 -!- chandler changed the topic of #opendarwin to: Fusion 2.0
13:19 -!- frijole changed the topic of #opendarwin to: Fusion 2.0 | Fuck the future.
13:23 -!- jgw_ changed the topic of #opendarwin to: A topic more work-friendly... just kidding ANUS BUKKAKE
13:27 -!- gh1 changed the topic of #opendarwin to: A topic more work-friendly:  jgw is teh trollage
13:32 -!- frijole changed the topic of #opendarwin to: <jgw> i feel like i'm in a 747 flying through the internets
13:32 -!- frijole changed the topic of #opendarwin to: <jgw> i feel like i'm in a 747 flying through the internetz
15:02 -!- jgw_ changed the topic of #opendarwin to: http://www.cyriak.co.uk/lhc/lhc-webcams.html
10:13 -!- mdales changed the topic of #opendarwin to: Caboose: We're in the future! Everything is shiny here!
11:44 -!- jgw_ changed the topic of #opendarwin to: RIP Washington Mutual 9/18/2008
11:50 -!- chandler changed the topic of #opendarwin to: RIP Liberty 7/4/1776 - ? (exact date of death not yet determined)
12:19 -!- bbraun changed the topic of #opendarwin to: RIP Liberty 7/4/1776 - 7/18/1798
14:25 -!- jgw_ changed the topic of #opendarwin to: RIP Liberty 7/4/1776 - 7/18/1798 | http://finance.google.com/finance?client=ob&q=NASDAQ:AAPL
17:07 -!- chandler changed the topic of #opendarwin to: http://www.escapistmagazine.com/videos/view/zero-punctuation/218-Spore
11:25 -!- jgw_ changed the topic of #opendarwin to: http://www.mikeash.com/?page=pyblog/the-iphone-development-story.html
17:41 -!- sky changed the topic of #opendarwin to: leimy
17:41 -!- sky changed the topic of #opendarwin to: leimy: nothing like us owing ourselves future money so we can have our own money back now later
17:22 -!- chandler changed the topic of #opendarwin to: We regret to inform you that the terrorists have won. Better luck next time?!
23:21 -!- jgw changed the topic of #opendarwin to: http://www.buymyshitpile.com/
10:34 -!- jgw changed the topic of #opendarwin to: http://www.engadget.com/2008/09/23/live-from-t-mobiles-android-event-in-new-york-city/
16:58 -!- chandler changed the topic of #opendarwin to: < _wms> VMWare Intern v1.0
17:48 -!- jgw changed the topic of #opendarwin to: Apple Extends Non-Disclosure to App Store Rejection Letters lulz
16:35 -!- chandler changed the topic of #opendarwin to: #opendarwin: insensitive to Yarislavistonians
16:43 -!- leimy changed the topic of #opendarwin to: ALL GENERALIZATIONS ARE GARBAGE
12:33 -!- leimy changed the topic of #opendarwin to: "There's never enough money to do it right the first time, but we've always got the resources to fix it later"
18:02 -!- chandler changed the topic of #opendarwin to: http://lolfed.com/
11:18 -!- jgw changed the topic of #opendarwin to: http://lolfed.com/ | RIP WaMu
16:58 -!- chandler changed the topic of #opendarwin to: #openscatalogical: <pogma> I have crap | <jasonc> I have a bunch of shit I need to get out
22:38 -!- chandler changed the topic of #opendarwin to: http://www.reason.com/blog/show/129080.html
18:55 -!- chandler changed the topic of #opendarwin to: http://bacontoday.com/bacon-cinnamon-rolls/
11:16 -!- jgw changed the topic of #opendarwin to: http://xkcd.com/482/
13:52 -!- chandler changed the topic of #opendarwin to: it's dead, jim
19:13 -!- chandler changed the topic of #opendarwin to: we need to pass the bacon bill to solve the doughnut crisis
09:32 -!- chandler changed the topic of #opendarwin to: Dear Apple, Pls add a docking connector to the MacBook, Sincerely, ur pal chandler
09:49 < chandler> 17:10 -!- nsylvain changed the topic of #chromium-dev to: tree is closed | IRC l
13:47 -!- frijole changed the topic of #opendarwin to: developer.apple.com/iphone/program | Dear Apple, Pls add a docking connecor to the MacBook, Sincerely, ur pal chandler
16:25 -!- jgw changed the topic of #opendarwin to: Keep working, millions on welfare depend on you.
12:37 -!- jgw changed the topic of #opendarwin to: Global Average Temperature Vs. Number of Pirates
15:48 -!- chandler changed the topic of #opendarwin to: CIA, MI6 need reshirts; apply within (last name optional)
15:50 -!- chandler changed the topic of #opendarwin to: CIA, MI6 need redshirts; apply within (last name optional)
17:36 -!- chandler changed the topic of #opendarwin to: <PAST PARTICIPLE> in <ADJECTIVE> <NOUN>
10:29 -!- sky changed the topic of #opendarwin to: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kw29RcT3qnM
13:01 -!- sky changed the topic of #opendarwin to: fireside chats
14:57 -!- bbraun changed the topic of #opendarwin to: Your server is being configured
13:38 -!- jgw changed the topic of #opendarwin to: today is uppercase first name ACK day
20:49 -!- gh1 changed the topic of #opendarwin to: not another trolling topic by jgw
21:27 -!- pogma changed the topic of #opendarwin to: http://www.shopinprivate.com/sex-shower-handle.html
00:04 -!- jgw__ changed the topic of #opendarwin to: http://www.joystiq.com/media/2008/10/supervisor.jpg
17:29 -!- chandler changed the topic of #opendarwin to: http://farm1.static.flickr.com/93/275474388_4c086e5d94_o.jpg
14:06 -!- jgw changed the topic of #opendarwin to: plz 2 add Waiting... to ur Netflix queue, k thx
13:32 -!- jake_ changed the topic of #opendarwin to: http://www.ocregister.com/articles/permits-carona-concealed-2186181-county-department#
16:58 -!- chandler changed the topic of #opendarwin to: #Opendarwin: a series of tubers
16:58 -!- chandler changed the topic of #opendarwin to: #opendarwin: a series of tubers
11:13 -!- frijole changed the topic of #opendarwin to: #opendarwin: a series of tubers, or, a bag of hurt
13:43 -!- jgw changed the topic of #opendarwin to: #opendarwin: a series of tubers, or, a bag of hurt, also #pwnies
09:00 -!- chandler changed the topic of #opendarwin to: all hail lord xnu, destroyer of microkernels
17:39 -!- jgw changed the topic of #opendarwin to: xnu: all the flaws of microkernels, without the benefits
12:42 -!- jgw changed the topic of #opendarwin to: http://www.folklore.org/StoryView.py?project=Macintosh&story=Close_Encounters_of_the_Steve_Kind.txt
13:28 -!- leimy changed the topic of #opendarwin to: babies-everywhere.com
17:15 -!- jgw changed the topic of #opendarwin to: Welcome to the FAILpocalypse
17:15 -!- frijole changed the topic of #opendarwin to: Welcome to the FAILocalypse
17:15 -!- chandler changed the topic of #opendarwin to: Welcome to the FAILlolpoccalypse
17:15 -!- chandler changed the topic of #opendarwin to: Welcome to the FAILlolpocalypse
18:03 -!- chandler changed the topic of #opendarwin to: what do you think you're running from? the disease is inside of you!
14:31 -!- jgw changed the topic of #opendarwin to: Rashid is partly responsible for the Mach kernel used in the FreeBSD variant of Unix.
19:52 -!- jgw changed the topic of #opendarwin to: Welcome to #OPENDARWiN
21:20 -!- chandler changed the topic of #opendarwin to: Welcome to #OPENDARLOSE
12:00 -!- jgw changed the topic of #opendarwin to: Obama 08: Get disappointed by someone new
22:27 -!- frijole changed the topic of #opendarwin to: jgw sucks
12:14 -!- jgw changed the topic of #opendarwin to: Wednesday morning, be here for the das fail
11:46 -!- das_ changed the topic of #opendarwin to: #opendarwin January 20, 2009: President Barack H. Obama
11:46 -!- rudy changed the topic of #opendarwin to: #opendarwin pantsless monday.
11:48 -!- toby changed the topic of #opendarwin to: #opendarwin pantsless every day
11:01 -!- jgw changed the topic of #opendarwin to: Happy Failection Day
14:07 -!- leimy changed the topic of #opendarwin to: Incum-bent on destruction
23:04 -!- toby changed the topic of #opendarwin to: jgw = fail
23:30 -!- leimy changed the topic of #opendarwin to: Baraka Wins
16:18 -!- bbraun changed the topic of #opendarwin to: Guy Fawkes Day
11:36 -!- frijole changed the topic of #opendarwin to: all fail all the time
19:24 -!- frijole changed the topic of #opendarwin to: The #Opendarwin National Service Plan: NEEDS CONTENT
19:24 -!- frijole changed the topic of #opendarwin to: The #Opendarwin National Service Plan: NEED CONTENT
19:24 -!- toby changed the topic of #opendarwin to: The #Opendarwin National Serivce Plan: NEED CONTENT
21:56 -!- toby changed the topic of #opendarwin to: http://www.secureourdream.com/
22:21 -!- frijole changed the topic of #opendarwin to: new star trek is fail and lies
23:22 -!- frijole changed the topic of #opendarwin to: wot is 6182725
16:13 -!- jgw_ changed the topic of #opendarwin to: http://mfrost.typepad.com/cute_overload/2008/11/wtf.html
11:07 -!- chandler changed the topic of #opendarwin to: thanksgiving!
16:21 -!- frijole changed the topic of #opendarwin to: It should be banned fro civilian use!!!
16:23 -!- frijole changed the topic of #opendarwin to: Mac OS X Server: It should be banned fro civilian use!!!
16:24 -!- bbraun changed the topic of #opendarwin to: Mac OS X Server: So awesome it should be banned fro civilian use!!!
11:25 -!- frijole changed the topic of #opendarwin to: psystar pirates caused jgw's bowel problems
09:24 -!- sky changed the topic of #opendarwin to: end prohibition!!
09:25 -!- sky changed the topic of #opendarwin to: end prohibition!! http://repealday.org/
18:50 -!- bbraun changed the topic of #opendarwin to: Infamy!
15:20 -!- frijole changed the topic of #opendarwin to: xardoz!
17:09 -!- jgw changed the topic of #opendarwin to: ARMLAR!
17:09 -!- jgw changed the topic of #opendarwin to: ARMLAR with moarz xar pluz Blackbird browser!
16:26 -!- jgw changed the topic of #opendarwin to: landonf's Peeps iPhone app approved: false
16:27 -!- ssen changed the topic of #opendarwin to: jgw is a tool
16:29 -!- jgw changed the topic of #opendarwin to: landonf's Peeps iPhone app approved: false
14:44 -!- pogma changed the topic of #opendarwin to: it's all about pants
13:20 -!- jgw changed the topic of #opendarwin to: "There's no chance that the iPhone is going to get any significant market share. No chance," said Ballmer.
17:05 -!- frijole changed the topic of #opendarwin to: SCHILLERNOTE!
20:59 -!- frijole changed the topic of #opendarwin to: SCHILLERNOTE! | applecanceledchristmas.com
01:22 -!- jgw changed the topic of #opendarwin to: http://www.lolcatbible.com/index.php?title=Main_Page
13:39 -!- frijole changed the topic of #opendarwin to: COMING IN '09: #opendarwin SECRET SANTA
13:39 -!- frijole changed the topic of #opendarwin to: COMING IN '09: #opendarwin SECRET SANTA (aka htodd gets a present)
14:13 -!- jgw changed the topic of #opendarwin to: also, http://www.bizarremag.com/your_bizarre/parties/7650/furry-convention.html
20:16 -!- kvlel changed the topic of #opendarwin to: boreeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeed
12:42 -!- bem changed the topic of #opendarwin to: borednote in progress
13:32 -!- jgw changed the topic of #opendarwin to: apple koolaid drinking in progress
13:33 -!- bem changed the topic of #opendarwin to: epic phil
13:41 -!- jgw changed the topic of #opendarwin to: It'll be a big disappointment as usual. Mactards will jerk off over everything, everyone else will be like "LOL overpriced".
13:41 -!- bbraun changed the topic of #opendarwin to: jgw sucks
13:42 -!- bem changed the topic of #opendarwin to: epic phil
13:42 -!- ssen changed the topic of #opendarwin to: best philnote ever
13:43 -!- bem changed the topic of #opendarwin to: last philnote ever
13:43 -!- gh1 changed the topic of #opendarwin to: best philnote ever (1 out of one)
14:49 < wonknu> 20:44 -!- ChanServ changed the topic of #macdev to: READ THE FAQ! - http://devintosh.com/index2.php?x=faq - "anything written in C is a basket of pwnies"
23:40 -!- frijole changed the topic of #opendarwin to: making a triode: http://www.dailymotion.com/video/x3wrzo_fabrication-dune-lampe-triode_tech
14:39 -!- chandler changed the topic of #opendarwin to: RIP Patrick McGoohan
17:05 -!- chandler changed the topic of #opendarwin to: RIP Patrick McGoohan and Ricardo Montalban
17:08 -!- chandler changed the topic of #opendarwin to: RIP Patrick McGoohan and Ricardo Montalban (and Steve Jobs)
21:19 -!- shantonu changed the topic of #opendarwin to: RIP Patrick McGoohan and Ricardo Montalban
14:29 -!- jgw changed the topic of #opendarwin to: poast-steve jobs apple
15:05 -!- chandler changed the topic of #opendarwin to: toast-steve jobs apple
23:02 -!- jgw changed the topic of #opendarwin to: Cinco dias until the Obamanation
20:39 -!- oelel changed the topic of #opendarwin to: Cinco dias until the dick talks penas
22:54 -!- htodd changed the topic of #opendarwin to: piso mojado
12:54 -!- frijole changed the topic of #opendarwin to: he put creatures in our bodies to control our minds
15:21 -!- Cryo changed the topic of #opendarwin to: he put creatures in our bodies to control our minds - where you can pretend to spread hate without rebuttal
12:29 -!- jgw changed the topic of #opendarwin to: Happy 4-Year-Long-Hope-That-Obama-Isnt-Assassinated-And-Biden-Becomes-President Day
18:10 -!- chandler changed the topic of #opendarwin to: the more things change.gov, the more they remain the same
11:46 -!- ssen changed the topic of #opendarwin to: http://www.whitehouse.gov/briefing_room/executive_orders/
13:25 -!- pogma changed the topic of #opendarwin to: PowerUser does it after the superbowl
20:12 -!- chandler changed the topic of #opendarwin to: Q: how is babby formed? A: badly with the buttocks
11:22 -!- jasonc changed the topic of #opendarwin to: Q: how is bbaby formed? A: bbadly with the bbuttocks
20:42 -!- chandler changed the topic of #opendarwin to: #opendarwin: surly at times and no patience for people or companies
20:42 -!- chandler changed the topic of #opendarwin to: #opendarwin: surly at times and has no patience for people or companies
11:06 -!- jgw changed the topic of #opendarwin to: #openbeergun: surly at times and has no patience for people or companies
22:02 -!- jgw changed the topic of #opendarwin to: #openbeergun: http://farm3.static.flickr.com/2253/2201403360_0e9cb1b5fe_o.png
11:10 -!- jgw_ changed the topic of #opendarwin to: #openbeergun: http://farm1.static.flickr.com/43/82793379_169dd738dc_o.jpg
12:37 -!- chandler changed the topic of #opendarwin to: IMPORTANT ANNOUNCEMENT: do not click on links from jgw thx
18:34 -!- jgw changed the topic of #opendarwin to: Keep working; Millions on welfare depend on you
18:51 -!- jgw changed the topic of #opendarwin to: < frijole> yeah, but the republican leadership doesn't want to be united
19:48 -!- chandler changed the topic of #opendarwin to: < frjiole> yeah, but the republican leadership doesn't want to be untied < chandler> yes! yes!
21:04 -!- frijole changed the topic of #opendarwin to: I now have absolute proof that smoking even one marijuana cigarette is equal in brain damage to being on Bikini Island during an H-bomb blast
10:42 -!- sky changed the topic of #opendarwin to: the internet needs a bailout
22:56 -!- chandler changed the topic of #opendarwin to: FIXED BY FERAL TOBY
11:47 -!- chandler changed the topic of #opendarwin to: darwinbuild ng: built by kmfdm
07:14 -!- chandler changed the topic of #opendarwin to: Moast likely created by mexians!
17:36 -!- jgw changed the topic of #opendarwin to:  < ssen> don't let landong here that
12:12 -!- pogma changed the topic of #opendarwin to: <@bbraun> this ultra bad goes way beyond
12:21 -!- chandler changed the topic of #opendarwin to: bbraun's adventures beyond the ultrabad
11:03 -!- jgw changed the topic of #opendarwin to: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EOrG1r3S6ZA
07:59 -!- chandler changed the topic of #opendarwin to: http://grammar.nfshost.com/wp-content/uploads/2009/02/babys.jpg
23:27 -!- chandler changed the topic of #opendarwin to: <@wbb4> meh, it's *
12:56 -!- jgw changed the topic of #opendarwin to: Federal Reserve Chairman Ben Bernanke has steadied Wall Street by telling Congress the recession could end this year.
13:33 -!- leimy changed the topic of #opendarwin to: defaults write com.apple.Safari DebugSafari4TabBarIsOnTop -bool NO
12:25 -!- jgw changed the topic of #opendarwin to: http://i41.tinypic.com/kafvr4.jpg
18:10 -!- jgw changed the topic of #opendarwin to: Atom 330! http://www.drakefire.com/?p=212
08:29 -!- chandler changed the topic of #opendarwin to: happy birthday to mdales
08:45 -!- chandler changed the topic of #opendarwin to: happy birthday to mdales, happy new mini day to all
09:41 -!- mdales changed the topic of #opendarwin to: happy new miniday (belated) to all
18:56 -!- chandler changed the topic of #opendarwin to: happy monday (retarded) to all
18:57 -!- chandler changed the topic of #opendarwin to: happy monday to (retarded) all
19:01 -!- chandler changed the topic of #opendarwin to: happy monday to (redacted) all
10:23 -!- RangerRick changed the topic of #opendarwin to: Trolls: Your Soaking In it!
10:23 -!- RangerRick changed the topic of #opendarwin to: Trolls: Your Soaking In It!
15:11 -!- jgw changed the topic of #opendarwin to:  < chandler> ultra super furry
15:16 -!- chandler changed the topic of #opendarwin to: <jgw> i love furries
11:21 -!- pogma changed the topic of #opendarwin to:  < _wms> furries arent all bad, are they?
16:48 -!- jgw changed the topic of #opendarwin to: http://imgur.com/65XA5.jpg
06:09 -!- chandler changed the topic of #opendarwin to: http://news.yahoo.com/comics/090317/cx_frazz_umedia/20091703
07:04 -!- chandler changed the topic of #opendarwin to: http://d.yimg.com/a/p/umedia/20090317/cp.af61c5b21ef0b0e63b46d0d37fb22760.gif
08:06 -!- chandler changed the topic of #opendarwin to: everybody gets a pwny!
14:41 -!- leimy changed the topic of #opendarwin to: revved up like a douche
18:09 -!- jgw changed the topic of #opendarwin to: MBP 17/CTO Not yet shipped
18:09 -!- jgw changed the topic of #opendarwin to: MBP 17/CTO Not yet shipped :(
18:09 -!- frijole changed the topic of #opendarwin to: someone in china hates jgw
20:41 -!- chandler changed the topic of #opendarwin to: someone in china hates jgw (gee, I wonder why that would be?!)
08:34 -!- htodd changed the topic of #opendarwin to: pinskia appears engaged! check facebook.
10:09 -!- jgw changed the topic of #opendarwin to: lappy shipped!
11:05 -!- pogma changed the topic of #opendarwin to: happy b'day gh1
11:36 -!- htodd changed the topic of #opendarwin to: it can't still be gh1's birthday
10:23 -!- jgw changed the topic of #opendarwin to: << sky> fuck i just coughed a mouthfull of tea all over my desk
13:56 -!- frijole changed the topic of #opendarwin to: < jgw> its not as big itself as i thought
14:34 -!- chandler changed the topic of #opendarwin to: < jgw> its not as big itself as i thought | < dre^> not that it's even hard
19:28 -!- jgw changed the topic of #opendarwin to: < jgw> its not as big itself as i thought | < dre^> not that it's even hard |  <_wms> toby definitely needs you to pull out
19:30 -!- chandler changed the topic of #opendarwin to: < jgw> its not as big itself as i thought | < dre^> not that it's even hard | < _wms> toby definitely needs you to pull
15:12 -!- htodd changed the topic of #opendarwin to: Apple has announced that its 2009 Worldwide Developer Conference will take place June 8th-12th at Moscone Center West
11:07 -!- jgw changed the topic of #opendarwin to: Anyone have a WWDC 09 ticket to give? /msg jgw plz!
11:09 -!- pogma changed the topic of #opendarwin to: Anyone have a WWDC 09 ticket to give?
11:09 -!- sky changed the topic of #opendarwin to: http://img15.exs.cx/img15/8370/omwf145WinCE.jpg
11:50 -!- chandler changed the topic of #opendarwin to: http://chainsawsuit.com/comics/20090226.gif
14:41 -!- jgw changed the topic of #opendarwin to: frijole Unnnhhhgggg... need... caffeine... about 9 hours ago from Tweetie
09:11 -!- chandler changed the topic of #opendarwin to: lol @ "with the remaining two million songs offered in iTunes Plus by the end of March"
14:47 -!- jgw changed the topic of #opendarwin to: Same
14:47 -!- jgw changed the topic of #opendarwin to: Same We Can Believe In!
12:06 -!- chandler changed the topic of #opendarwin to: < rudy> dre^: you're stuffing my envelope
12:08 -!- chandler changed the topic of #opendarwin to: < rudy> dre^: you're stuffing my envelope | < dre^> well ya know... bills gotta be paid
16:53 -!- pogma changed the topic of #opendarwin to: @bbraun: I have one tool, and I use it everywhere
14:53 -!- gh1 changed the topic of #opendarwin to: @bbraun: I have one tool, and I use it everywhere | ssen: [it] doesn't get old
07:04 -!- jgw changed the topic of #opendarwin to: http://www.raccoonfink.com/2009/04/09/many-faces-of-ranger-rick-animation.gif
02:04 -!- pogma changed the topic of #opendarwin to: Apple to buy Sun
05:16 -!- bbraun_ changed the topic of #opendarwin to: SEC investigates #opendarwin, news at 10
01:30 -!- chandler changed the topic of #opendarwin to: http://twitter.com/officechair
01:31 -!- chandler changed the topic of #opendarwin to: not gh1
01:32 -!- gh1 changed the topic of #opendarwin to: not me
04:03 -!- gh1 changed the topic of #opendarwin to: twice as much bitter!
04:03 -!- gh1 changed the topic of #opendarwin to: twice as much bitter! | not me
04:04 -!- cirdan changed the topic of #opendarwin to: well, more like 224 bits over 4 machines; 64-bitterness!  Now with twice as much bitter as before!
22:21 -!- jgw changed the topic of #opendarwin to: "I will not have you badmouthing the lyrical genius behind "My Hooptie""
01:37 -!- chandler changed the topic of #opendarwin to: < boboTjones> SAUSAGES
05:34 -!- chandler changed the topic of #opendarwin to: < cirdan> hmm i need to find some decent pron | < boboTjones> you won't know what you need until the baby is born
12:20 -!- htodd changed the topic of #opendarwin to: anyone seen ssen's relationship status on facebook?
18:37 -!- chandler changed the topic of #opendarwin to: Soreacle!
03:11 -!- _wms changed the topic of #opendarwin to: previous topic is old
19:46 -!- RangerRick changed the topic of #opendarwin to: frijole's geocities page: http://www.geocities.com/ian99meyer/
22:52 -!- frijole changed the topic of #opendarwin to: potting up!
23:34 -!- leimy_ changed the topic of #opendarwin to: New Oracle MySQL!
22:08 -!- kfm82 changed the topic of #opendarwin to: "New Oracle MySQL!" - "RMS demands instant GPL3 fork!"
22:09 -!- jasonc changed the topic of #opendarwin to: nobody here gives a shit about rms
22:23 -!- kfm82 changed the topic of #opendarwin to: nobody here gives a shit about rms, nobody here *ever* used emacs
22:27 -!- pogma changed the topic of #opendarwin to: we don't care
10:32 -!- pogma changed the topic of #opendarwin to: <@bbraun> 5" is ideal
10:33 -!- pogma changed the topic of #opendarwin to: < frijole> i've got a ~8" | <@bbraun> 5" is ideal
11:44 -!- pjenvey changed the topic of #opendarwin to: < _wms> mmmm sausage | < frijole> i've got a ~8" | <@bbraun> 5" is ideal
21:27 -!- sky changed the topic of #opendarwin to: check me out on friendbook
21:30 -!- chandler changed the topic of #opendarwin to: check me out on pleasegiveusaccesstoawholebunchofdeeplypersonalinformation DOT COM
18:54 -!- sky changed the topic of #opendarwin to: cash rules everything around me
20:42 -!- pogma changed the topic of #opendarwin to: a dystopian future, governed by despotic country & western singers
09:28 -!- pogma changed the topic of #opendarwin to: < _wms> I have a 52"
09:29 -!- gh1 changed the topic of #opendarwin to: < _wms> I have a 52" | < _wms> but its pretty much black
09:29 -!- gh1 changed the topic of #opendarwin to: < _wms> I have a 52" | < _wms> ... its pretty much black
12:24 -!- mdales changed the topic of #opendarwin to: tests free
12:24 -!- mdales changed the topic of #opendarwin to: yawn
20:04 -!- pogma changed the topic of #opendarwin to: < htodd> Jeebus the new one is big
17:21 -!- chandler changed the topic of #opendarwin to: Jeebus the old topic was old
17:23 -!- RangerRick changed the topic of #opendarwin to: Boy, was that topic new.
17:35 -!- frijole changed the topic of #opendarwin to: <insert clever topic here>
18:55 -!- sky changed the topic of #opendarwin to: happy birthday leimy!
02:47 -!- chandler changed the topic of #opendarwin to: ask ssen about your hackintosh drivers today!
07:32 -!- frijole changed the topic of #opendarwin to: bmup
20:35 -!- frijole changed the topic of #opendarwin to: < _wms> bbraun just has really hot legs
00:53 -!- jgw_ changed the topic of #opendarwin to: http://oreilly.com/catalog/9780596802813/
10:35 -!- frijole changed the topic of #opendarwin to: happy birthday frijole
13:23 -!- cirdan changed the topic of #opendarwin to: happy birthday frijole || <astrange> #opendarwin is the cool place to hang out. You can find most of the cool people there. In #opendarwin you can just chill and do whatever and totally relax.
21:39 -!- frijole changed the topic of #opendarwin to: this is not the channel you're looking for
21:39 -!- frijole changed the topic of #opendarwin to: ask ssen about hackintosh drivers today!
21:44 -!- cirdan changed the topic of #opendarwin to: go away
18:19 -!- sky changed the topic of #opendarwin to: now welcoming bbaby!
01:20 -!- jgw changed the topic of #opendarwin to: soon welcoming bbaby!
01:21 -!- jgw changed the topic of #opendarwin to: soon welcoming bbaby (malcolm xar braun) !
01:33 -!- jgw changed the topic of #opendarwin to: soon welcoming bbaby (malcolm xar braun) <jgw> 8=====D for bbraun! <jgw> uh, thats a smokey cigar
02:23 -!- chandler changed the topic of #opendarwin to: soon welcoming bbaby (malcolm xar braun) <jgw> 8=====D for bbraun! (it's a boy!)
03:34 -!- jgw changed the topic of #opendarwin to: soon welcoming bbaby (malcolm xar braun) <jgw> 8=====D for bbraun! (it's a boy! 8 lbs 10 oz)
03:36 -!- jgw changed the topic of #opendarwin to: Welcome new xinetd maintainer, bbaby (malcolm xar braun) <jgw> 8=====D for bbraun! (it's a boy! 8 lbs 10 oz)
03:45 -!- jgw changed the topic of #opendarwin to: Welcome, bbaby -- 8lbs, 10 oz
18:57 -!- bbraun changed the topic of #opendarwin to: http://www.gritman.org/stork/mybaby.asp?stork=4611
09:25 -!- pogma changed the topic of #opendarwin to: Nathan ->  http://www.gritman.org/stork/mybaby.asp?stork=4611
10:10 -!- pogma changed the topic of #opendarwin to: congrats _wms and mrs._wms to be.
01:19 -!- frijole changed the topic of #opendarwin to: http://store.frijole.info
01:20 -!- toby changed the topic of #opendarwin to: <bbraun> oh man, had a huuuge one this morning
08:35 -!- pogma changed the topic of #opendarwin to: changed topic in the vain hope of shutting kfm82 up
01:49 -!- kfm82 changed the topic of #opendarwin to: "changed topic in the vain hope of shutting kfm82 up" - MISSION ACCOMPLISHED
01:52 -!- pogma changed the topic of #opendarwin to: http://electricrain.com/fenner/tmp/forgot_my_password.png
23:48 -!- jgw_ changed the topic of #opendarwin to: Abstinence makes the church grow fondlers
23:54 -!- pogma changed the topic of #opendarwin to: for a free WWDC ticket, just /msg ssen
18:11 -!- chandler changed the topic of #opendarwin to: WWDC rejects club
20:00 -!- jgw_ changed the topic of #opendarwin to: WWDC rejects club / Dead Coders Society
09:57 -!- pogma changed the topic of #opendarwin to: people suck
18:56 -!- sky changed the topic of #opendarwin to: wwdcznuts
04:09 -!- jgw_ changed the topic of #opendarwin to: wwdcznuts | Totally Cortex+NEON SIMD
04:30 -!- jgw_ changed the topic of #opendarwin to: appel and at&t network suck ass!!! american greeddd fat-cats we are getting RAPE!!!
04:54 -!- chandler changed the topic of #opendarwin to: < jgw_> its not longer than 3" when inserted into someone halfway, does that count?
21:01 -!- jgw changed the topic of #opendarwin to: Don't upgrade to 3.0: Ebay your 2.2.1 iPhones and buy iPhone 3GS with the money, k thx
23:52 -!- pogma changed the topic of #opendarwin to: < _wms> we should go eat dog
20:22 -!- jgw changed the topic of #opendarwin to: Welcome to the Thunderdome, bitch! : <bbraun> ok, created twitter account.
18:48 -!- sky changed the topic of #opendarwin to: dirka dirka
21:27 -!- frijole changed the topic of #opendarwin to: <_wms> I was very full of meat last night
08:47 -!- frijole changed the topic of #opendarwin to: < jgw> speaking of frijole, he should school me in pipes
07:41 -!- shantonu changed the topic of #opendarwin to: chandler: once inside it's much easier
07:41 -!- shantonu changed the topic of #opendarwin to: <chandler> once inside it's much easier
00:52 -!- pogma changed the topic of #opendarwin to: <jgw_> let the tool do the work